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nengooseus's Blog

I'm experiencing schadenfreude!

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So this is a skid weekend.  They've spent spring break with their mother.  She didn't plan or do anything with them (other than pretend to be sick to get out of work yeterday, apparently), which is a non-issue for us.  We usually don't do anything for spring break, either.  Anywho, we knew there was something going on because SD called her dad on Tuesday to talk, but since BM montiors calls to us, she couldn't speak freely.

Oh BM. You're ridiculous.

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SS8 has undiagnosed (except by me) sensory issues. He has trouble with certain foods (because of consistency), he vomits when he gets upset, he often keeps his hands in his mouth (so much so that he got a wart on his lip), he pets/pull and twirls his hair, he does weird things with his hands, etc. DH and I think he could easily be on the spectrum, but because information from BM is so different from what we provide, his only diagnosis is that he's "quirky."

OT, but not. Rejected again! (vent)

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Ugh. I know why this stuff bothers me, but I can't seem to stop it.

DH's dad "refused to take sides" in his divorce. BM keeps him in her back pocket by taking the skids to see him maybe once a year, usually when we're in a court process and she feels like it will hurt him. DH's dad is fully complicit and chooses to go along, so DH has chosen not to have anything to do with him.

336 Hours and a vent about life

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In DH's CO, he and BM are allowed 2, 2 weeks periods with the skids each summer, and dates must be provided by 5/15. DH provided his on 5/12 and BM did hers that same day. Yesterday, we got an e-mail from her informing DH that the period he requested (6/19-7/3) was greater than 14 days and that here therefore had to drop the skids off to her on 7/3 at 9 AM and she would return them to us at 6 PM that evening for DH's scheduled 7/4 holiday (which starts the night before).

Apparently, in BM land, 14 days means exactly 336 hours, and not a moment longer for DH.

The Psychologist's Report

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Several months ago, several weeks before she deployed, but while we were in the throes of court drama, BM declared that SS (6.5 at the time, but has since turned 7) was depressed and anxious, based on him biting his own arm in the car one evening. This was self-harming behavior and he needed comprehensive psychological testing ASAP. Testing was done this summer and the results were due today.

I feel like a hamster on a wheel!

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Last month, I blogged about how our drama with BM will never end, and some of you folks were so gracious in your encouragement. Thank you so much for that. I have learned about myself that I need to hear that it's not just me perceiving some of these things as completely crazy, because I'm so far in that I doubt myself regularly.
