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Oh BM. You're ridiculous.

nengooseus's picture

SS8 has undiagnosed (except by me) sensory issues. He has trouble with certain foods (because of consistency), he vomits when he gets upset, he often keeps his hands in his mouth (so much so that he got a wart on his lip), he pets/pull and twirls his hair, he does weird things with his hands, etc. DH and I think he could easily be on the spectrum, but because information from BM is so different from what we provide, his only diagnosis is that he's "quirky."

In addition to the weird things I've listed, he's a lip licker. He often licks his lips to the point that they're red and very chapped. He often gets a rash around his mouth. That happened again this weekend during DH's PT. DH treated it with A&D ointment and Carmex, and it was getting better by the time he was dropped off yesterday AM. So imagine our surprise when we got a voicemail yesterday to let us know that BM was taking SS to the ER.

DH refused to go, so we got her report this morning... She informed that DD has strep and has to be out of school for 3 days. When he told me what she said, I was confused. SS didn't have a fever, ate without a problem, and didn't complain of a sore throat. And then I thought about it...

SS has impetigo, not strep throat.

Saying strep just makes it sound less gross and like DH should have realized it and done something. As though there were symptoms for him to do anything about.


Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

All your DH has to do to prove or disprove what BM says is call the doctor and request the information. Of course I'm assuming that he has legal rights to the child.

Also from personal history you can have strep throat without displaying or recognizing all of the symptoms.

nengooseus's picture

He has legal rights, so that's not an issue.

BM said he had strep, not strep throat, so she didn't lie, she only misrepresented. LOL And if the boy had strep throat, he wouldn't be required to be out of school for 3 days, but with impetigo he does.

My bio DD had strep several times without symptoms, so I know it's possible, but BM's intention here was CLEARLY to make DH feel negligent, even though he wasn't.

moving_on_again's picture

Ya, they only make you stay out 24 hours after first dose of antibiotics with strep at DD's school.

moving_on_again's picture

My coworker, his wife, and both their kids just got diagnosed with strep yesterday and only one displayed symptoms.

But ya, he sounds like a kid that would get impetigo. I got it on my lips once (worked at a school, must have used the water fountain like a dummy) and it itches so intensely bad, I could hardly take it.

strugglingSM's picture

The BM in my life loves to make things seem more serious than they are. SS11 is a total drama queen. Last summer, he was chasing his brother and he ran into a door. He may have hit his hand, but was probably also embarrassed that he ran into a door, so of course, in his mind, his arm was definitely broken (third time in a year that his arm was "definitely broken", but actually not really broken or even really hurt). BM rushed him off to urgent care and called DH (despite the fact that she is not supposed to call) to frantically tell him that they had "admitted" SS to urgent care and were taking him off for an X-ray. She later told DH that they diagnosed SS with a "strained hand" and gave him a brace. When we say SS two days later, he had stopped wearing his brace, had no bruising on his hand, and as fine. Since that time, BM has referred to that incident repeatedly, telling DH he was a terrible father for refusing to take her call when SS had "a possible fracture." SS talks about the time he fractured his hand.

moving_on_again's picture

BM just did this with OSD. OSD had a kidney infection. BM told everyone that OSD probably had clots in her legs. Um, no, she didn't. The only reason they checked her legs was because she said she was out of breath.