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NCMilGal's Blog

DH is getting fed up

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with making all of the effort in the relationship between SD and him. SD practically never calls him - maybe once every three months, if that. SD not only did not call her father yesterday - DH called *his* mother like a good son does - she did not return his call. DH called SD on her cell and on the house phone before 6pm, earlier her time. He still hasn't heard from her almost 24 hours later.

A Big Thank You to All

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I just wanted to say thank you to all of you.

Thank you for sharing your stories, your frustrations, your support. Thanks for being non-judgemental. Because of all of you I have realized:

I have the best DH in the world.

My SD is actually a wonderful kid (but you can bet I'll be griping come visitation time!)

BM could be much, much, omg much worse.

I am not a bad person for thinking the thoughts I do.

That Life Insurance Thing

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I thought of this while reading the forum topic about losing touch with the skids if DH were to die. So as not to hijack the thread...

I don't think I'll have much, if any, contact with SD stb 13 if her father were to die. I've been pretty open about my lack of emotional investment with SD due to lack of visitation. I do think BM will try to see me in court though.

About BM

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Since it's early early in the morning (eta, this took over an hour to write) and DH is asleep, I might as well write.

Honestly, I would rather stab myself in the eye with a pen than get trapped in BM's life. Her life isn't a bad one, I suppose, but I cannot fathom how a supposedly adult woman can make the choices she has and be able to be proud of herself.
