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NCMilGal's picture

I think I have a line on a new job!

This may be confusing, as I am military. In their wisdom, the military likes to move people around every three years or so. I'm heading toward three years at my current job, and my boss made me notify the guy who's in charge of assignments because I'm supposed to go to the Middle East for a couple months this spring. So now he knows I exist, and I'm heading for the top of the list to be moved to some crazy place like TX or upstate NY. (I have nothing against either of those places - but my dad will be 84 in Dec, and it'd be nice to be close to him in NC) I started asking around, and it looks like another (really cool) unit will take me.

This means no moving. This means I'll be 1/2 mile from work. This also means I will deploy somewhere every year. I'm actually fine with that because deployment is a vacation. When deployed, it's work (long hours), work out, go eat food someone else cooked and will clean up, and sleep. At home, it's work (sometimes long hours) go home, cook, clean, take care of dogs, do chores, yardwork, bills, etc.

Here's the step part. Since DH will be "deployed" all summer next year to another state, the next time SD stb13 will have summer visitation is 2010. It's funny to think that the next time I might have to deal with SD in my house for over a month (I'll be gone, not her) might be when this next tour ends, when she's 17. I'll still see her for Christmas and some of the school holidays, but I may almost completely avoid trying to parent a teen. Wow.


bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

I'd love to be away from SD17 for 4 yrs. I'll work hard! Gee, she'd be 21 then, and (hopefully) far away from this little town.
What a lovely gift that would be!!!:)

melis070179's picture

Well, I guess thats one good reason to be in the military...but doesn't it make you sad that since you & your husband are military & both deploy, you don't seem to get to see eachother a whole lot? My husband has been in a non-deployable until for 3 1/2 years, since I've met him, and I know if he ever gets moved & deploys, which I'm sure will happen soon, I will flip the f@!% out! I can't imagine being seperated from him for 6-7 months. Makes me sad to think about. My exhusband was a marine and I loved when he deployed (he was really mean)

NCMilGal's picture

In the last almost three years he's been in Afghanistan (one month) South America (three weeks) and Iraq (three weeks, but doesn't count, I was in school). Because of his rank, there's not really a job for him deployed. Even next year, he's "deploying" to a base in Florida, and his boss wants him to come back here a week every month.

In the same time, I have gone to school (Maryland - one month), Iraq (5 months), school again (Arizona - 3 months), and am gearing up to go to the Middle East for 4-5 months in '09. I've been gone a lot more than he has.

I'll tell you, being the one left at home is a lot harder. A lot of military people don't realize that, but it's true. I'll PM you with some questions and details.