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mean stepmom's Blog

Father's Day

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SD is so selfish and self centered. The teenage girls stayed up really late last night because it is the summer. Whatever. Told my kids that bedtime is 12 at the latest even if it is summer. I got up this morning made a great breakfast. DH helped. Everyone is sitting at table eating and DH said something to my 13yr old because she is so tired and SD pipes up in a really rude voice about how it is 10:30 in the morning. DH "doesn't hear her". Then I give DH his card and gifts and even though everyone signed he is captivated by what SD wrote.

When will I be able to get to a better place?

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From what I have read here from sm that have been there done that the guilt parenting and princess complex doesn't stop unless the sd has some sort of foundation of morals and self awareness. What if you can tell right away that this kid isn't going to change because they are happy with being sub par? I don't have the bm in the sense that most others here do. Instead she is DH's half sister who tries to parent her daughter over the phone and through gifts in the mail.

DH can't seem to be patient with mine but his kid is an angel

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Okay I know with my two sons having to go to summer school that it eats up the better half of our day driving them to and fro and because his angel has a job and is hardly home that it makes it easier to overlook how annoying the girl is but geez give me a break. My 13yr old daughter is a typical teen no worries, feels like the world is against her, wants to watch tv and anything that interferes with that is horrible. My BD was asking DH and myself a question last night and DH was just like just be quiet. Didn't even give her the courtesy of at least hearing what she had to say.