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kim1960's Blog


kim1960's picture

How, how, how do you other SM's keep from emailing or calling BM's when you have had it? I have been keeping my mouth shut for months while she has screwed us over, messed with ss and heaped emtional and mental abuse on us and ss waiting for the court date. After her latest email to DH this morning I am ready to explode! I would love to give her a piece of my mind. I know it wouldn't do any good but it sure as hell would make me feel better to get it all out.

The Bill Arrived

kim1960's picture

Well we got the bill from the attorney in the mail yesterday. So far we have spent $3420.54 and what did we get for it? The judge gave DH the tax exemption every other year, which we already had according to the divorce decree. The judge basically upheld it. Dh's wages will not be garnished, he was late once, in January, when she was out of state for the month and the check was waiting on her when she got back. All of BM 's contempt charges against DH were dropped.

DESPERATE...but will it work?

kim1960's picture

Ok so court has ordered mediation on all of BM's violation of the JPA to try to "correct" her and on whether BF has to keep paying the chiropractor and couseling bills. We have spent $$$$ and basically will now be spending more to make her abide by the agreement. She will get the charges dropped by playing nice in front of the mediator and go back to the same old thing. So we have been discussing this plan. BM gets great joy in racking up extra bills for BF to pay in addition to the child support.

Mediation-----What Good Is It?

kim1960's picture

Can anyone tell me what is the point of mediation if the BM is a liar, untrustworthy and a control freak? Instead of finding BM in contempt he ordered mediation for her to prove herself and if she doesn't then she will be found in contempt. The only thing that I can see to mediate is whether BF should pay the couseling and chiropractor fees. How do you mediate a violation she has already committed?

Court Today....Judge has ruled

kim1960's picture

Just talked to BF and he gets to keep the tax exemption every other year. All contempt charges were dropped against him. But the judge ordered mediation on all her violations of the Joint Parenting Agreement (WTF?) and on the chiropractor and couseling bills. Basically as BF's attorney put it, he is giving her a chance to correct herself. Her contempt charges have not been dropped and can be reinstated if she fails to cooperate with the mediation.

Court Today

kim1960's picture

Just talked to soon to be DH before he went in to the court room. His attorney said BM's attorney is going to focus on the tax exemption and not paying our half of the chiropractor and counseling bills. He is sure we will get her on the contempt charge for her numerous violations of the Joint Parenting Agreement. On the tax exemption it could go either way, BM says he should not get it every other year as we no longer keep ss for weekend visitation every other week.

Paying For BM's sins........update

kim1960's picture

Well fiancee has settled down. He says he said what he did out of anger and it wasn't directed toward me. I really think he is just angry and embarassed at the depth of deceipt this woman has and just how much she took advantage of him. She got pregnant on purpose after a very short relationship and they were together less then three years. And obviously for a big part of that she was seeing other people and setting herself up to leave the marriage.

Paying for BM's Sins

kim1960's picture

Well we got BM's financial info in the mail today from Fiancee's attorney. After going over and doing a little checking, fiancee just realized that she set up a PO Box for her mail 8 months before there was even any talk of separating and that she set up a bank account then to. Obviously she planned this long before he had any idea that she was unhappy in the marriage. I think it is sinking in now that she totally played him from the beginning of the relationship. The problem I am having is that now he is totally bummed out and saying he can't trust anyone.

The Good ....The Bad

kim1960's picture

The good news..the elopement plans are starting to come along and we will be Mr. and Mrs on 07/07/07. Plane tickets are bought, miniser and photographer worked out. Now need to know if anyone out there are step talk no of a pretty location between Colorado Springs and Denver, such as a state park where we can hold the outdoor 20 minute ceremony? We haven't been really crazy about the couple of locations the photographer has suggested. The reason we wanted a state park or National Park is because the cost is minimal and with nine children between us we really need to watch those.
