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alwaysthemom's Blog

Just a little aggrevated

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I've been searching for how to deal with ex wives for my husband and all the info seems to be about single moms. Is there no info for men that have custody of their kids? Not even on the attorney generals website. It's all about single moms and what they should do. Why is it so one sided? Does the court system not believe there are dead beat moms???

Is it appropriate to keep

alwaysthemom's picture

personal items from a previous marriage after you remarry? For example: ring, dress, pictures etc? Have any of you kept any items for your kids from a previous marriage? Dh kept wedding band for skids. I got rid of everything that I had. I didn't want a reminder for me or my new DH. My kids know their dad and I love them. New life, new beginning. To me it was insulting that he would think so much of their marriage to even keep his ring.

Backing down yet again, help!!!! 2 problems

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Skids are suppose to go to their BM the month of July. BM is not picking them up til Friday. I told DH that was crap and she needed to pick them up on the 1st like she is suppose to. DH plays that role of I don't want them over at her house more than they have to be so Friday was OK with me. But he didn't OK it with me since I would be the one stuck with skids while he's at work. Of course I told him WHATEVER!! Skids have been giving me sh*t all day today and I've had it. Now I want to tell DH to tell their BM to come and get them. SHOULD I SEND SKIDS TO THEIR MOM?????

Skids are going to BM

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for the summer. Perhaps she took my rant at Christmas time seriously. I am happy about it. Does this make me a bad person? DH doesn't want them to go but per court order she is allowd 30 consecutive days. He only wants them to go for 2 wks. OOH! Hell No!! I need a break. BM has never taken the kids for more than a week and once she even asked us to pay daycare. Skids continually say how wonderful BM is every other weekend. I can't wait to see how wonderful she is when she has to actually be a parent for 30 days.

Just got back

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from a much needed adult getaway. DH and I had so much fun with our friends on our trip. So, we get back on Sunday and on Monday guess who pulls in the drive. The BM!!! ARRRGH!!!! Skids run out to her and whatever. Anyway, SD comes in the house and says my mom wants to know why you didn't ask her to keep us when ya'll were gone this weekend? My response was everytime we've asked her before she always had an excuse. SD says mom said she would have taken off work. I say well we didn't know that because BM never has in the past. SD smarts off and says well now you know.

So freakin tired

alwaysthemom's picture

SS11 has been playing baseball and BD10 also. I have been running the both of them to practice, to games 6 days a week. The season ended last week. To get to the point, SS11 was made to quit baseball a few weeks ago because of his behavior at school.(this was my suggestion because he was on this 3rd ISS.) Well his coach calls last week and asks if he could play in the tournament. DH says yes. So here I am running him around for practice Tues @ 7:00 Today @ 5:30.

Today Sux

alwaysthemom's picture

I'm just having a bad day today. I am constantly running kids here, there, everywhere. I am physically exhausted. Kids having been so demanding. Did you do this, did you do that, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. I am on the road every night of the week with practice, ballgames etc. Tonight, I take SS11 to his baseball game. His BM shows up. Lovely. Anyway, the B*tch can't even stay to watch her son play a whole friggin game. Has never offered to take SS to any game. This is not the first time. So when we get home I ask SS11, why doesn't your mom stay for your games?

My words don't matter

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I've blogged this issue before about BM calling HB at work(he works nights). I've expressed to him how it bothered me that he takes time out of his so called busy day for her. She could call when he's home for all questions but chooses to wait til he's at work. It really chaps me. What the kicker is is that since I have expressed my dislike of the calls at work he has answered her calls not once, not twice but 4 times. I have even caught on to him erasing some. But the issue here is, last Friday, HB calles me on my cell. He askes if the phone is off the hook.

Have I overstepped my bounds????

alwaysthemom's picture

SD cries about wanting to move back to her moms. Mind you, she only does this when shes had a bad day at school or just wants attention. She has asked her dad if she can move back to BMs several times. He has told her several times absolutely not. SD has asked BM if she can move back and BM says I'll talk to you Dad about it. Bm has not once called DH to discuss this. I believe she tells SD this just to put the blame on DH and to shut SD up. Anyway, today, SD starts crying about not selling more on the school fund raiser and says, you guessed it I want to move back to my moms.
