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Skids are going to BM

alwaysthemom's picture

for the summer. Perhaps she took my rant at Christmas time seriously. I am happy about it. Does this make me a bad person? DH doesn't want them to go but per court order she is allowd 30 consecutive days. He only wants them to go for 2 wks. OOH! Hell No!! I need a break. BM has never taken the kids for more than a week and once she even asked us to pay daycare. Skids continually say how wonderful BM is every other weekend. I can't wait to see how wonderful she is when she has to actually be a parent for 30 days. DH says he is worried about them being that long at their moms, who they stay with, what they eat, where they sleep. I say well honey you might ought to think about man n up to BM about some of your concerns instead of just closing your eyes. Oh I forgot, she's still their MOM. Can that word be used that losely???????


smurfy1smile's picture

Enjoy your break, get all those things you have wanted to do done and have a little fun. I doubt the skids will die in the 30 days with BM.

laurels4u's picture

BEFORE he had children with her. If he is that worried that BM isn't going to take care of her own children, then why would he have had kids with her in the first place. DUH! My DH says the same stupid things about his son's mother, too. It makes me want to whap him in the head with the stupid stick. Obviously, my DH thought BB was quality mother material 13 years ago so let her deal now.

Enjoy your 30 days off!!!!!!

I'm dreading an opposite situation of my own right now. DH's son is supposed to be coming for a 6-day visit and DH is being very apathetic about the details. He says it's because the kid isn't coming after all. I find it hard to believe but I'm on pins and needles waiting for the six days to come and go with or w/o the kid.

smurfy1smile's picture

In our house when my BF or I complains about our ex - we reply - you married him/her!

now4teens's picture

Enjoy your quiet time! You have more than earned it. I had one week with the kids away and couldn't keep the smile off my face Wink

Sometimes I think when we do our jobs as steps so well (both as step moms and stepdads) our partners take us for granted, like it all just magically "happens". I know I work damn hard at making sure my home is a peaceful, stable place for the kids. I get them to all their activities, help them with their homework and projects, get dinner on the table, and keep a beutiful clean home for them (no one thrives in chaos), and all the thousand other things that they don't have in their 'other' homes.

And all this takes work- a lot of it! So when the kids go away to the BM/BDs for a while, I don't feel guilty for one little second-


"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis

doglover1's picture

wow good for you, relish every day!!! I have skids for 6 weeks straight and im on week 3 and i cant wait for BM to come and give me a break. Even if its only a couple of days. THis BM would never make it through a month no way! Enjoy!

Dreamer's picture

I'm so jealous I'm seeing green! Good for you! Enjoy the time off from the skids! Fix the house back the way you like it! Take a nap on the sofa and drink a stiff drink! You deserve every minute of it!

Don't fear the thorns among the Roses, but be greatful for the Roses among the thorns

Dreamer's picture

opps sorry computer screwed up and double posted

alwaysthemom's picture

and I will enjoy every minute of it. I'm not worried about skids cause everytime in the past that I said something about the goings on at BMs house, DH stuck his head in the mud. #1 the skids belong to him and the troll. #2 BM deserves every little fit skids give her.(looking forward to that one) #3 I'm no ones backup plan.

SerendipitySM's picture

Always - my fiancee refers to his ex as TROLL and it has stuck - we never refer to her by her name just TROLL - she certainly looks like one...

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin

now4teens's picture

Definition of a SLINKY:

A slinky is a useless piece of wire, until you push it down a flight of steps- then it brings a smile to your face!

I saw it as someone's tagline once and instantly thought of her. I shared it with DH and it stuck (can't imagine why ;-)). Now we ALWAYS refer to her as slinky. He even writes it in his check register as SLINKY for the CS!

"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis