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Cell phone

alwaysthemom's picture

We were thinking about getting SD a cell phone maybe for Christmas this coming year. She is 12 now. The only thing we have an issue with is the fact that everytime SD12 gets mad at someone in the house or doesn't get her way she wants to call her BM and tattle(if you will). Using the home phone she asks to use it. When these issues have come up in the past I've told may use the phone to call and talk to your mom but you will not use it to tell on your brother or cry about not getting your way or when you think things aren't fair. I kind of feel like if SD12 gets a cell phone this is what she will try to use it for. Not that I care what BM has to say but if SD12 is getting in trouble here at home I don't feel she should be able to bring her BM into the situation. We have always told our kids that this is our home and no one is going to tell us what we can and can not do, and vice versa for the other parents home. Unless it has to do with the safety of the kids. Should this even be an issue?