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Jonesing for some Stalker time!!!! and ....the Skid has not learned a thing.

Rags's picture

I have been in Qatar for a month now and have been going through wife, Skid and Stalker withdrawals.

Thanks for getting the site up and running again so us Stalker junkies can get our vent on.

You may recall that my SS had recently received his first 6wk Report Card and was on the honor role.

Well, meanwhile 4 wks later and back at the ranch ..........

My wife received his mid term 3wk progress report ....... F in English and F in Psych. This kid has done exactly the same thing every single school year since he was in 5th grade. First 6wks - Honor Role. Second 6wks - barely passes. Third 6wks - Honor Role. Fourth 6wks - barely passes.

At the beginning of each semester he schmoozes the new teachers. Once he has them wrapped around his finger he shoves his head up his ass and quits performing.

He has managed to get Psych up to a C and English up to a D so it looks like he will graduate.

Since I am 7 time zones away my wife is fit to be tied and ready to kill him. We shall see if he is still breathing when I get home in two days.

Oh how I long for the days when the Principal and Mr. Pequerelli(Science Teacher) had a paddle on their desks and would light up the asses of the kids who insisted on keeping their heads up their asses (I got my butt smoked a couple of times). My kid would be a national Merritt scholar if schools still smoked some kid ass with a paddle when they failed to perform to capability.

Only 2wks till graduation and 11 wks until he turns 18. Then the world is going to smack this kid right in the ass. When he pulls his head out to see what smacked him in the ass then the world is going to smack him right in the nose.

We shall see if his Mom lets him come home or makes him stand on his own two feet when that happens.

I am still voting for Marine Corps boot camp and a tour or two in Afghanistan or Iraq interfacing with Al Qaida and the Taliban. That ought to wake him up!

I just hope he learns to pay attention to the world around him so he has a chance of coming home alive.

Best regards,