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I have taken care of SS for 10.5 years a lot all by myself as his father works out of town every month. The past couple years have been horrible. I tried to disengage as much as I could and things just got worse. So bad that I sat down with hubby, his parents, and the SS16 and told them all that I cannot live like this anymore, I need to leave or the kid does.

OK here it goes, long vent.

Alone's picture

I have been a stepmother for about 10 years now. SS is almost 16. My hubby's ex came back into the picture last xmas and all hell broke lose in my personal being. All of the sudden we were evil and his mom was queen. Whenever she pops in his life she wants to be his only mom even when he was little and he called me mom she corrected him and told him she was his mom and I was his stepmother, she did not want him to call me mom. This woman over the years has seen him maybe 2 or 3 times a year. I realize he wants to have a relationship with her, but I cannot help this anger I have.