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O/T My "Home Cooked" meal

mamacat_30's picture

Tonight's dinner: Lemon pepper pork tenderloin, broccoli and cauliflower, garlic mashed potatoes.

Good meal for our family of five. But it got me thinking....The pork was bought marinaded, only had to pop it in the oven for an hour, vegetables...self steaming bag in the microwave, potatoes...bought already made only had to heat (microwave again). Kinda puts a damper on a "home cooked" meal.

So, I feel like I cheated. I could mash my own potatoes, it just takes a lot longer, but they taste better. But with the time I saved we were able to fit in family poker night!

Disappointed...2nd skids bday and I'm stuck...

zenjetset's picture

Both DH and I worked today - he from 8-2:30 me from 8-6pm. I called him at about 4pm to see if he had the folding chair (borrowed from his work) he said "no, didn't have time was a very bust day. When I got home dad was out the door. His dad cares for the skids when we are working on Saturdays. I said "I gotta go". He said " I didn't have time to get a card either" I said I gotta call you back.

Really, I'm not allowed to use my cell phone during work, however I user it as an excuse because I was getting upset at DH. He understood we hung up in short manner.

Step dad to 3 girls-teenage that is- and yes it hurts

stepdad-eh's picture

I have been reading everyones entries for about a half hour... my first time here. i am angry today, frustrated most. Married a great woman w/ 3 daughters 6yrs ago. i spent 120 dollars on the middle ones hair today( b-day present)- got the obligatory hug-thanks. Do I expect to much?? probably.

Gag me & my weekend with ss so far

Tx mommy of 3's picture

DH has been playing with the kids all day. It's cute. A while ago he starts giving 'horsey' rides to bios 5 and 4. Of course SS12 (stb 13!) HAS to be included too. (roll my eyes) Of course he is heavier than the younger ones but dh doesn't say anything. This isn't the first time, SS usually thinks he can be included in this type of play too. I never say anything but I did today. I just said "ss, don't you think you are too big to be riding on your dad's back?" then walked off. After that they stopped playing because dh was hurting! Ha! Anyway, just rollin my eyes over here.

hard to keep going ... How do you guys do it?

youanddad's picture

I wonder how people keep going in these situations. I feel so tired and exhausted from it. My SS15 was diagnosed with EBD, and psychosis, and has had a long history of violent behaviour, with the police being called twice. The reason the came to our house to live (from his Mom's) was because he made a hit list on it with a bunch of people from the school, and the list included me. His Mom called us, and asked us to take him b/c she couldn't handle him. That was about nine months ago. Since then, he has lived with us, and I am finding it stressful.

"you were right, mom."

Last-Wife's picture

Best anniversary present ever! Princess called three times today and left messages for me to call her. I'm still really hurt from our last phone call, but I finally called her back. She talked for an hour, wanting my advice on her classes for the spring, switching her major, and telling about what really happened between her and Stepping Stone.


LizGrace65's picture

I see this word used a lot on this site. I understand that some people on here are dealing with a lot of dramatic, histrionic, and frustrating behavior from various people in their lives.

It's a little difficult for me to find the words to say what I want to say here.

And I'm not trying to put pressure on people to be hyper-aware, or hyper-PC.

But to be honest, I have bipolar disorder. (Maybe this should have gone on the "my truth" thread! LOL) So when I see the word, it catches my attention.

Question for those who deal with 'psycho' BMs

happymostly's picture

WHY do you think they are crazy?

I recently read a blog that wasn't really about this topic, but a lot of the comments got on the subject about WHY some BMs are crazy. Someone said it was because the BM still wanted something from their exes. (whether it be $$, revenge/cant get over anything, or to just be back together) I think this is true.

Starting a New Blog

youanddad's picture

I have been praying for a way to express the turmoil I feel surrounding my step situation, and then came on here, and remembered there were blogs available. Thank you, LORD!

I like the idea of a blog because I won't have to ask people about every question, but I can simply write and if someone feels like responding, they may do so. I will be writing primarily to vent, and to sort out my swirling feelings. Okay, here I go with my first entry ....
