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Gag me & my weekend with ss so far

Tx mommy of 3's picture

DH has been playing with the kids all day. It's cute. A while ago he starts giving 'horsey' rides to bios 5 and 4. Of course SS12 (stb 13!) HAS to be included too. (roll my eyes) Of course he is heavier than the younger ones but dh doesn't say anything. This isn't the first time, SS usually thinks he can be included in this type of play too. I never say anything but I did today. I just said "ss, don't you think you are too big to be riding on your dad's back?" then walked off. After that they stopped playing because dh was hurting! Ha! Anyway, just rollin my eyes over here. When will this kid grow up and act his age?

Oh yeah, and then he walks in our house yesterday wearing a football jersey that is WAY too small for him. BS4 got the same one for his day (prob even same size!) and guilty dad felt bad and told SS he'd get him one too. So yesterday ss walks in wearing this jersey that barely fits him. I really don't see how he's not embarrassed wearing it everywhere. I mean really, they are KID sized jerseys. He one he has is prob a size 8-10. Ss wears adult smalls.
Um...ok. (Roll my eyes again)

Then earlier dh was takin a nap. BS4 asks where daddy is. BD5 says daddy is asleep. Bs- why?
BD- because he is so tired because he had to do a lot of driving yesterday to pick up ss. (DH
travels 2 hours one way EOW). sweet she notices. I wonder when ss will appreciate it.


SillyGilly's picture

SS should have been giving the horsey rides! But then he might have split his jersey....

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Ha ha!! TOO funny! He really was wearing that tight jersey again, too! Ha! I should've taken a picture to use as blackmail later Wink

Anon2009's picture

I have to be honest with you, I don't know if he'll ever appreciate it. I know you said that DH didn't see him for awhile and only started seeing him again recently. So I think that in order for him to feel any positive feelings about this situation, DH and BM will need to get him professional help and explain to him why DH didn't see him for so long.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Oh I know it'll never happen. Neither parent will put him in counseling. I even suggested it when dh and I got married way before he stopped visiting. But no. Besides, that would mean bm would have to admit her involvement of keeping ss away from dh. So instead I just count down til he's 18... I also just think it is funny how my 5yo can notice and appreciate things
my ss12 can't.

starfish's picture

ugh, i would be grabbing for the barf bag!

sounds like ss has some serious social and developmental issues, combined with jealousy over bios.

i'm no doctor or "therapist", so, aside from that, i would definitely get some time/date stamped photos of ss prancing around in a way too small jersey hangiong on daddy's back, threats of exposure on facebook could keep in in check!

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Time/date it! I think ss does have a myspace... Wink or I could just save then and show the family at mil's when everyone is there for Christmas! Isn't this SO adorable?! (as everyone states in unbelief)

starfish's picture

if they did stare in disbelief??, if i were to show pics like that of sd almost 14 to mil, she would ooh & ahh and talk about how precious it was, while everyone else would be grabbing their pain meds and offering them to dh b/c they could see the still residing back pain in his eyes. i would be the one with the glass of wine (standing next to the bottle for a refill), rolling eyes with the pure look of disgust on her face, but sporting a great smile in hopes to disguise my true feelings! }:)

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Oh no...seriously dh's family would think it was just as hilarious as I do. They'd want to laugh but would spare ss feelings. Actually if mil saw how he acted she'd get on to him. So maybe I do need to take some pics...

wriggsy's picture

What is it with overgrown skids thinking they are just as small as the kids around them? I have two skids that squeeze themselves into clothes that are bound to be cutting off circulation somewhere. It's not like they don't have other options here. I like for my kids to have nice clothes, so it's not like the only thing we have are those sweat pants from when you were 8 years old (now 12) or the shirt that I swore I threw away every year for the last three years now! SD just does it because she thinks it's cute to wear skin tight, too short clothes. However, those go in the dumpster every time I see them, so that is happening fewer times and farther apart, too!!!

ThatGirl's picture

It's very sad. He's jealous of the biokids. Perfectly understandable. Some counseling would help with that. Perhaps your DH could find some things to with just SS that are more age appropriate. Give the little one's horsey rides for a bit, then go build something in the garage with him? And rather than point and laugh at the jersey that's too small, how about getting one that fits?

Tx mommy of 3's picture

It was a BRAND NEW jersey! Disney dad, I mean dh, bought it for him. Our bs4 has one so ssstb13 wanted one. When dh took him to get it (this is a lnother issue) it was the only size they had. In fact they ONLY make kid sizes in this particular jersey set- comes with a jersey & helmet. rather than get one that fits ss wanted it because it comes with a helmet.

ThatGirl's picture

Disney Dad should have been straight up with him and said, "Look, dude, you're too big for this. It's a little kid shirt. Let's find you something else."

Tx mommy of 3's picture

You would think! I asked dh why he bought a too small jersey for ss. His response, "It's the only size they had and he wanted it." My parents were in town that day & my mom said that there is no way he will wear that jersey at his home. She thinks he acts immature around us because of our young bios but that he wouldn't be caught dead wearing it and acting that way around his friends or mom. I can totally see that happening. I'll probably just start collecting pictures and the first chance I get to buy an ad in a school yearbook I'll have some pretty interesting pics! Wink