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Just venting here so my hubby doesn't have to hear about it. LOL

MARLA_823's picture

We have everything SD5 needs at our house. BM constantly tries to send half her house over to ours. Well who's the one to keep track of all BMs stuff? ME! If one thing gets forgotten, she throws a fit about how much it cost and blah blah blah. STOP SENDING YOUR STUFF! All we need is SD and the clothes on her back. Now we have had many socks and such go missing at BMs house but we just tell her when you find it send it back, we don't send anything that would devastate us when it's lost.

raising my teenage stepchild

NI's picture

I need help on raising my teenage stepchild. Long story short, My huspabnd and I have been maried for 5 years, and we both are raising his 10 year old daughter and 15 year old daughter. I am 27 and my husband 37. Ereything was perfect untill last year. You see, we don't know anything about their mother, she hasn't called or seen them since never, so technically I am there mother. They live 24/7 with us, I am the one who does EVERYTHING in the house like a mother should do, I mean EVERYTHING.So I dont like calling them stephildren, I call them my children, and they call me there mother.

SKids and Chores... and entitlement!

Freedom2005's picture

Ok so not a good weekend! The SKids decided they did not have to do their chores. BF was working 12 hour night shifts. My 2 were at their Dad's. SKids spent all weekend playing. Every time I asked them to do the chores THEIR dad wanted them to do, they said, "Yeah, I will get to it in a minute." That minute never came.

Now, if I had not had to have clean clothes, I would not have done the laundry (SD11) and if it had not stunk so bad, I would not have taken out the trash(SS13).

It's been a while...(this is my rant for the day)

redheaded_stepmom's picture

Hello! It's been a long time since I had anything to post about. That was a good thing...things were much better around here for a while. Here comes the BUT!! I am beginning to get annoyed with SD15 again. Sometimes, I really don't even know why. Just the thought of her annoys me sometimes. She is still lying to me about things, mostly little things now, which is an enormous improvement...but it still bothers me, I can't stand it...just tell me the friggin' truth already! Also, I have decided to keep my bath stuff in a caddy and tote it back and forth with me.

We have a Smoking Gun!!

Shell8078's picture

So if you have read my postings BM is dragging DH back to court so she can reduce her child support. Her new claim to wanting to reduce it is because she was unemployed, well that's not the case anymore. In addition she is claiming that she has incurred cost for an airline ticket that SHE PAID for which she claims is about $700 that was non refundable and that she claims is out now (cry me a river). So DH and I were getting his ducks in a row and preping him for court and running different scenario we should offer her.

BM money idea not gonna work

prayerhelps's picture

BM had in her head that when SD turns 18, can get her to move there, and then collect CS. BM has been pushing SD to move there, and even offered to "split" the CS w/her. BM thought she could collect support until 21, while SD in school. BM even called CS to see.

DH told BM last week to back off, that SD needs to focus on finishing school. That the most CS she would get would be for 2, maybe 3 months based on NC laws---that she would spend all that money on lawyer fees, and $$ would got to SD anyway. BM didn't believe him. She called CS AGAIN

Already started to disengage; Frustrating behavior

Happyhippos242's picture

Technically the weekend was ok. I went out for a very nice dinner with FH and we went to see Saw 3D for Halloween. I made chocolate chip cookies; this seems to AMAZE FSS12 since his mom never really bakes or cooks from scratch so he loves them. FH and FSS ate them till they felt sick...did I get a thank you? NO. But at least I know it made them happy so that should be good enough.

BM and FB, am I wrong to think this odd?

PrincessFiona's picture

First some quick background...BM has a history of being unable to respect boundries. She has a tendency toward being more of a friend and less parent to SD. I find her to be very selfish and childish, often stuck in 'high-school' like drama. And lastly, she and my ex had a quick 'fling' when we first split up.
