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Preparing for the worst...

pastepmomof3's picture

This past weekend was the first of a 3-weekend-in-a-row with SS8. No worries about it - he's a great kid and very nice and respectful - no problems. This coming weekend we will also have SD15 for her monthly visitation. Again - no major issues with this, she's a typical teenager.

Here are my concerns though that i'm preparing for:

I'm done....

iwannagoback's picture

tolerating negative, miserable behavior.

SS17 wakes up/enters house and the first words out of his mouth are always loud complaints. I now cut him off immediately & tell him if its negative/drama/complaints he is not allowed to speak. I am sick & tired of everyone's mornings & afternoons being disrupted by this whirlwind of negativity.

new stepmom looking for advice

newstepmom54's picture

I am a new step mom to 4 adult boys, ranging in age from 19 to 28, all are married and there are two grandchildren, we got married 4 months ago. My new husband is 20 years older than me. He was married to someone 10 years younger than me, she passed away a few months before we met. We dated for almost 4 years and his kids were happy with me as long as I was doing something for them, cleaning, cooking, giving them money, and as long as the word marriage was not mentioned.

New Here and need some advice

lost hope's picture

Hi Everyone. I've been reading for about the last 6 months or so and am so glad to have found a place that I can get advice (and hopefully give some). A little background, I have been with my FDH for almost 5 years, engaged for 1. We currently live in separate houses, but are in the process of adding a bedroom and bathroom at his house and will rent out my house until it sells. I have a DD16 and a DS19 (he lives on his own). FDH has a son17 & a daughter 15 (he has every other week custody). We've had a lot of ups and downs, but we do the best we can.

Halloween Drama

TheOtherMom's picture

The Halloween Party last night was fun but OMG! I have so much respect for elementary school teachers. We had 20 kids here, all boys at that, aged from 9 to 12. It was a mad house and I can't believe I lived to blog about it.

I loved coordinating the whole thing, scaring the poop out of the boys (because SS11 said "I am too old to get creeped out or scared anymore,"), and playing the cool games. I thought 11 and 12 year olds were too old for apple bobbing but they did the natural thing - dunked each other in the water. Doh!

Does Life with Stepkids Ever get any Better?

RB's picture

I'm about broken down to the point of giving in and calling it quits. My husband and I just had another argument about the adult stepkids. All I wanted to know was exactly why the youngest stepdaughter had changed her mailing address back to our home address as she is not living here. All I got is that it was something about financial aid for school, then he stomped out of the house. I just about cannot take it anymore. I guess I am to blame for everything. I am so very, very tired. Sometimes I feel like I cannot cope anymore and I'm nothing like the person I used to be.

not so happy this holloween

priness80's picture

i am so tired of BM's shit i know you all are telling m to take it easy and relax for the twins and i am but BM makes it so hard she was suppose to bring SS home an hour ago she does this every holiday she taks SS a day early promising to bring him back on time to spend the holiday with us but she never does she always just brings him hours later without telling DH and DH just puts up with it because he doesnt want her to get mad and file for custody because he hates court and im just tied of her shit her mission sence she found out i was pregnant was to destroy my life or somthing i just

No fireworks, but nice... just what I needed

Last-Wife's picture

12 years pass in a flash and stretch out for an eternity, all at the same time. I spent most of my anniversary cleaning the house, doing school work, playing on FB and ST, and listening to Princess on the phone. Gibby and I got in our hour workout.

Loghead went to the woods to chop firewood with PITA and they sold 3 cords and delivered it. He came home and worked on the car. Each time he passed through the house, he kissed the top of my head, and headed back out again.
