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Dr. Phil - PAS Episode

Jsmom's picture

If you didn't get a chance to see the episode last week, go online and watch the clips. It is about a Stepmom and the BM who lost custody. Personally I think both are overly aggressive people. But, Dr. Phil didn't believe that PAS is a true disorder. If you read the blogs, many people disagreed with him. Makes for interesting reading.

I would like to see one show where the SM doesn't look as nutty as the BM. The sad thing is no one actually seemed to be concerned about the kids.

I watched it at my mom's and she felt the the BM was misunderstood and the stepmom was overstepping. Needless to say I saw a different side to it. Especially since this BM had been married three times and had moved 7 times in a few years.

However, I do think the SM should not be having any communication with BM. That is probably where their problems started. As to why the Dad was not there, there is a RO between him and BM. I wish you could see the whole show. Quite interesting.


MaGoose2010's picture

I am lucky in that way that I have zip contact with the BM in our lives. FH handles it all and I don't even engage with her when we fetch or drop off. I greet and then shut the hell up.

It wasn't always like this...we were 'friends' in the beginning and we were even invited to her engagement party. But SS14 spoiled the relationship by telling the BM a lie about me, that when he had got out of the car, I had said "be naughty this weekend" She caused such a fuss about that OMG! FH set her straight, but I then knew that this was going to be the demise of our relationship. I never discuss her with SS14 or have any comments when she is discussed.

It's better that way.


Jsmom's picture

Agreed. In five years time, I have spoken to her maybe three times. One long letter which I blogged about. That is it. The letter was because she involved my child in a very large lie. That was my tipping point. Otherwise, no communication. I do not consider it my place.

If everyone recognized these natural boundaries, there would be a lot less problems.

stormabruin's picture

Dr Phil has done several shows on PAS. I have yet to be able to catch one of them. I am thankful my husband is willing to step up to do his dealings with BM. He would never put that on me. It stuns me to see how many father's will step back & put the communication regarding his children on the SM because he doesn't want to deal with it. Being a stepparent comes with it's own set of frustrations. To have a parent bow out so he doesn't have to deal with the way.

SusiQ's picture

I watched it yesterday - it was on the DVR - and I was completely ticketed off. Dr Phil is telling the BM that of course she should have custody of the daughter. BM & SF actually want to split the kids up. Son goes to the dad and daughter goes with the mom. The SF was super creepy and there was something else going on. It was just weird. At one point the lil girl got a severe 2nd degree burn on her leg while with the mom and they put burn cream on it. When she got home - I think the dad has custody of both kids - he took her to the doctor. The Stepmom I think had to be the one to communicate with the BM because of the RO but as usual I was mad at Dr Phil for making the mom out to be the victim and the SM was just the evil one. The mom sat up on the stage and basically lied every time she was asked a question.

Jsmom's picture

The BM was unbelievable. Dr. Phil just didn't see how the SM got the attitude she had. Years of BM acting like that, will drive a SM to have animosity. Honestly that Dr. Phil didn't see that BM couldn't explain anything in detail was so frustrating....