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SS14 football game

purpledaisies's picture

It went ok except they moved the location and bm didn't bother telling us! We went to another game and was confused, dh called her and well we were at the wrong game! Dh told the ticket office what happened and he didn't even think twice and gave us our money back said he hears that a lot!

So we get to the right game and we sit one row up from them b/c bm's sis and her dh was there and wanted to talk to us. Bm was nice about everything to our face and even texted dh to tell him to tell me that she enjoyed talking to me. :sick:

How much of "I brought you in to this world and I can take you out!" applies to StepParents?

Rags's picture

My kid (SS-18) is about to be strangled and fed to the fish.

He is still the most polite, well behaved and personable kid imaginable but he is LUCKING FAZY!!!!

Since the kudos he received from the recruiters he has done what he always does after a success. He blew the doors off of his interviews with the Armed Services recruiters, aced the ASVAB, basked in the glow of the kudos and ...... has done absolutely nothing to move foreword with is life.

He has been laying around the house for two months. He does nothing until his Mom or I put our foot up his ass.

How much of "I brought you in to this world and I can take you out!" applies to StepParents?

Rags's picture

My kid (SS-18) is about to be strangled and fed to the fish.

He is still the most polite, well behaved and personable kid imaginable but he is LUCKING FAZY!!!!

Since the kudos he received from the recruiters he has done what he always does after a success. He blew the doors off of his interviews with the Armed Services recruiters, aced the ASVAB, basked in the glow of the kudos and ...... has done absolutely nothing to move foreword with is life.

He has been laying around the house for two months. He does nothing until his Mom or I put our foot up his ass.

How to deal with spoiling???

Mommyto1Stepto2's picture

So, my stepsons get whatever they want whenever they want. BM tries to be the "cool" parent and will take them to rated R movies, let them stay up late, buy them anything they want, etc... They are just becoming spoiled entitled brats. We had them make up lists of what they want for their birthday and Christmas and everything they want is super EXPENSIVE. But the thing is - they know they will get it. It makes me not even want to buy them anything. For example, BM bought SS13 a laptop for his birthday. Who spends $800-1000 on a birthday present?? We spent about $150 on him.

What works for you?

Colorado Girl's picture

I'm reading a lot about disengaging. From the kiddos, from the ex.

I like disengaging.

She's not my exwife, I feel not a need in the world to ever see or talk to her again. I will if I must and I don't know that I truly care either way... My preference is certainly not to, but if there is no way around it? Sure.

Not sure if we're gonna make it...

Cinderella was probably a brat's picture

My DH and I have been constantly fighting for weeks now about the boundary issues I have with BM. Sure, there was a parenting plan established at the time of their divorce, but they pick and choose which parts of it they will adhere to and it drives me insane. Basically, she knows that he would like to spend as much time with the kids as possible... but instead of them trying to have a formal arrangement for that ahead of time, it has turned into her just calling him (and sometimes me) to "watch the kids while I..." for months now.

Well, Excuse Me for Caring that Your Child Has C's After 1 Quarter (long, sorry)

Triggerfishgal's picture

Ok, long story longer, SS8's quarterly report card came out a few days ago: 3 C's, and several notes home all month about acting up in class. I asked DH if possibly his darling little sperm trophy might need to be retested for ADD, and he blew up at me like an a**hole after Mexican buffet night. So I ended the arguement, which was basically him arguing that his kid is "normal" yet had behavioral problems because he has an auditory processing disorder. I said that you can't have it both ways.

Not gonna communicate with BM!

MARLA_823's picture

On SD weeks I've been having to see BM EVERY day at the school. I don't know about you, but it bothers me to have to stand so close to someone I truly hate. I also realized that I'm become some sort of approved method of communication for BM and DH. It's just become easier for BM to say give this to (DH) for me, or DH to say ask (BM) about this when you see her. I know it may seem like I'm the logical choice since I'm there everyday, but, again, I truly hate this woman, and I literally have a bad day when I have to communicate with her. So I told DH I'm there to pick up SD and that's it!

Afraid for SS9

TheOtherMom's picture

Yesterday SS9 didn't get on the bus to Day Care and we didn't know until SS11 called and said he wasn't at Day Care.
Naturally DH flipped. He left work and went to the principal and found SS9 in a dark mood in the office.

SS9, the same kid who said he was going to die of pneumonia that same morning because he had to wear a short sleeve shirt, was in a totally different mood by the end of the school day.

Yoga and Me

winniemiller's picture

"Inhale, exhale..."

I keep on hearing this as I focus all my attention on what the teacher is saying. I am already on my second day of yoga class and I have to say I am enjoying every moment of it.

For a panic attack sufferer like, I need to get all the help I need. A friend of mine immediately invited me to her yoga sessions once she learned that I suffer from panic attacks. She said it would be good for me since I can learn so many techniques on how to control panic attacks.
