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Does anyone here think your skids have been sexually abused?

Anon2009's picture

Quite frankly, I come across some entries where I can't help but wonder if the kids in question were sexually abused, because I've done a ton of research on this subject, and some of these blog entries mention actions/behaviors of the kids that are also symptoms of abuse (i.e. bedwetting, sexually inappropriate behavior, etc).


coltsmom5's picture

Every time i start to get in a good mood or at leat not feel so bad about my life they start acting like A**H**** again. It's so hard to explane. This is the only place in the world that it's ok that i feel like this. thanks guys!!

Going to bed before this day gets any "better..."

Last-Wife's picture

Princess posted on FB that she's going on mission trip with Habitat for Humanity over spring Break in March. Lofty goals for a college freshman. Truly admire it, I do. Hell, I did it sophomore year. But it would have been nice if she'd told even her father before posting it on FB! He blasted her on FB for the world to see... In a joking way to outsiders, but those of us that know him would be able to see the anger between the lines...

Holy Cow!

Last-Wife's picture

They bought a cow. PITA skipped school and spent the day with Grandpa at a cattle sale. They brought home 2 cows. And apparently, PITA, Loghead and Grandpa had been planning this while. And no one discussed it with me. Smoke is coming out of my ears. Yes, we live on a "farm" but it's not really set up for cattle- more like goats and chickens. Which we've had some of each over the years, but the goats had to go when they started climbing on the new car three years ago... The winter months are coming, and we have no way to provide shelter for these animals.

More news from Parent Conferences

Last-Wife's picture

So the non-custodial bio-mom that drove an hour to meet with me last night? The custodial bio-dad and stepmom came in tonight... And they only had NICE things to say about bio-mom and her husband. Smile They talked about how nice it was that their daughter had 2 homes where she receives love and support, and it was nice to know they could send her school work with her to bio-mom's house for the weekend, and that they would complete it together, and bring it back home...

another nail on the coffin

Iwantmylifebackj's picture

So, stupid me.. I decided to text H and see if there is anything left or ang changes. He indicated that he's going to call me soon and blah..blah.. blah.. Well, apparent his D needs a ride. So, he is not coming home to talk. F***, I am so angry. It's still the same old bull crap.. He just does not get it.. I am done being the second. Well, that's just too bad. I did not return any contact after that bull shit. Done!


WifeVersion2.0's picture

He did it!!! My amazing DH aced his interview today and the offered him the job just 2 hours after he left!!!! I'm sooooooo freaking excited! I can't stop smiling and crying all at the same time!! I'm so proud of him!! We have been married 20 months today and he's been unemployed for 19 of them! This is HUGE for us! He was so sweet tonight when he told me and told me that he knows he owes me so much for all I have done and taken on during this time. I'm thinking a diamond ring for our second anniversary is in my future!!!

Anyone else ever feel like BM lives in your house???

klynn's picture

For some reason BM feels it's her right to question everything that goes on in our home. She questions SO's methods of parenting on a regular basis. For the record, this woman has been arrested for flipping out on people in public and at home. She is bipolar and has caused many scenes in public in front of her children. However, at any point she feels it's her business to tell my SO how he's not doing what he should be. An example is SS9's homework. Every day SO asks SS9 if he has homework, sometimes he does and sometimes he says he doesn't.
