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Ha ha ha!!! This is EVIL (slightly) but I don't care!!

Mamma Jamma's picture

So Sybil wants to talk to skids tonight.

First, SD5 said she didn't want to talk to mommy!! (yes evil to gloat but when every talk turns into tears and tantrums that *I* have to deal with...too bad!) Well, after sybil's on phone and SS gets phone first, SD whines that she wanted to talk first...but she's cranky and has whined since she got home from school.

Second, Sybil's phone almost dead so she can't talk long. Good. The less time to talk, the less time to fill SDs head with crap about me (the woman raising her children--that she didn't want to meet!)

So, why do I not get blasted for many of my less than sensitive posts?

Rags's picture

There has certainly been a significant shift in the flavor of STalk in the past several months. As Crayon so eloquently stated in her most recent Blog.

I know that I am not the most tolerant participant on STalk, I advocate blistering kid ass when appropriate, holding both CPs and NCPs accountable for their actions, rant on the family law bottom 10%ers, spew vitriol on the SpermIdiot and the SpermClan, call myself DAD when I have no genetic contribution to my son or any other kid that I am aware of, and generally am an asshole.

Still have a REALLY hard time with my SS

bjc26's picture

My SS is nine and I've been part of his life for the last 3 years. In the beginning I liked the kid and grew to love him, however, somewhere along the way the love grew into resentment. It's not him really because he's a normal nine year old boy. Maybe a lot cottled by his grandmother but no matter how hard I've tried on that front the lady just doesn't get it nor will she back off. It's gotten so bad that I literally have a panic attack when I have to be alone with the boy. He's sweet and thoughtful and fights like normal with his sister.

Failure to disengage

1sttimestepmom's picture

So last night I broke down because it pained me to see SD struggling to breathe and eat at the same time (she has been sick for 2 days). I stopped eating to go get her some lavender oil to help clear her airway so she could finish her meal. Then I did some lymphatic massage on her so she could sleep (I am a trained massage and bodywork practicioner). As annoying as SD can be, and as much as I don't want to be involved I just could not stand by and watch a child, any child, struggling.

Fruits and Nuts

RB's picture

Well, my middle adult step daughter who is in her twenties is at it again. She has been calling the house and calling my husband's work phone approximately (if not more) fifty times per day. He has taken to ignoring her now. I hope he is strong and doesn't call her back, but here is the message she left at the house last night using her snooty smart ass voice on the answering machine. It is transcribed exactly word for word:

Well tonight is the ball game

purpledaisies's picture

tonight is ss14's football game. It is going to be cold. Anyway we will see how it goes. I'll let you guys know if bm tries to sit next to dh. I know she will try saying the boys want to be next to him but the boys are 13 and 11, why in the world can they not walk to dh instead of bm having to be right next to him?

Still alive & kicking

sweetthing's picture

Hey ladies, I am still alive & kicking. I am just way busy at work these days. We are closing out the business that I have worked on for 7 years and starting a new venture. They are also a lot stricter about screwing around on the internet. The kids are great, their mom is still a controlling pain in the butt at times and I have things I would love to share but just never have the time to do so. Dh & I are doing pretty well, both are super busy with work. BS3 is growing up so fast it, and is such a joy for us.

SD placed me first and BM wasn't even mentioned.

Cdngirl's picture

Okay so SD11 had a school assignment she had to have 4 examples of "People who give me life". It is a list of people who teach you things such as intellect, spirituality, emotional control, etc. So here list was as follows:
1. SM - gives me intellect because she helps me with my work
2. God - teaches spritituality
3. Dad - teaches me to be calm when I am upset
4. Friends and family --
