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Loca Grande just "lost" another kid...

Last-Wife's picture

Lazy Boye spent his weekend with Loca Grande. No school Monday. Came home bragging about cruising around in Loca Grande's new Mustang convertible...

!!!!!!! She doesn't have money to pay for PITA's braces, but she gets a new car???? A convertible, no less!

PITA was in the kitchen and heard this. Amazingly, his dad nor I scolded him when he said, "That bitch. Can't help get me a car, or pay for my braces, but she goes off and does a stupid thing like that?! She is NOT my mother..." and stormed out of the room.

PITA had been slipping from her grasp for a long time, but I think she just put the nail in the coffin...

And watch... Lazy Boye was always her favorite. I bet when he turns 16 in 8 months, I bet anything she turns around and gives the car to him. (If she hasn't totalled it by then. That woman has had more car accidents than anyone I know...)


zenjetset's picture

Wow! That's shameful and it's sad the PITA experienced a direct hit with the cold hard truth. I really dislike when a BM creates these "life is grand" experiences with the kids. It just gives the wrong impression. An impression of - if you don't have these things or "socialize" with certain people you aren't anything or anyone.

My stepdaughter 11 during a dinner conversation told her father that she didn't want to do what he does for a living because it was stupid and wasn't like mommy's life. Ugh!!! I couldn't take it!!! Her mother doesn't have a job and who supports them is their father. Their mother on occassion goes to a movie set with her boyfriend who is an extra and stunt coordinator. BM makes it out to be that she is the sole provider and that her life is grand because she is amongst celebrities. That is what she is teaching these children. Instead of promoting working hard for what you want and need.

That night I give them an ear full. I spoke to them about their fathers work, how he supports Borg households, how if the didn't want to do what he does that was fine, but they should insult their father in the process. I explained that the life of a movie star came with a price and they should consider what they wanted to do for a living based on their interest not the interests of other people regardless of who they are.

It's just so lame to project a certain image to kids that life is easy and achievements aren't hard work. It sets them up for failure. That's why we have kids who graduate from college and feel they should be making 100k instead of accepting a job for 30k and working for it.

Very sad!