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tryingtobecalm's Blog

Maybe Im over thinking?

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So Dh gets a text from an old girlfriend a couple of weeks ago(She is not crazy BM by the way just an old gf and they split amicably) She asks if she can book him to go and clean her car (not totally crazy as my husband runs his own car valeting business). He told me she had been in touch and asked how I would feel if he did the job.I said i did feel a bit weird but shes a paying customer and things are tight so I totally understand if he decides to do it. He decided to do it and everything was fine.

Another trip to A&E

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Another trip to A&E for SS4 and his older brother whos about 8 or 9 I think. After DH hitting his head against a brick wall with police and social services they finally took notice and paid BM an unplanned visit. We got a phonecall saying 'marks' had been found on both boys and they wer being taken upto be seen by paeditrics. They said it looked as if they wer going to remove custody from BM so would we take him if it came to it? We said yes and they said they would get back to us when they had been seen.

Any advice would be sooo appreciated!

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Does anyone have any experience in protecting an abused child when social services are not interested? The whole story is too long to go into but its all in my previous blogs. Long story short SS has had his mind twisted by BM to tell police that I abuse him. The last 12months have been a nightmare. Social services dropped all charges against me but put her youngest 2 kids on the child protection register bcos of HER treatment of them 4 months ago. During the last few weeks SS has sustained unexplained burns to various parts of his body all whilst in his mothers care.

Mad phone call!!!

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So MIL calls us the other day to ask that DH picks BM and SS5 up for a doctors appt, wait til they are finished and take them home again. We live 10 miles away... oh and 4 months ago the crazy $*&%! had me hauled off to the police station after training her child to say I abuse him!!! As if we would do anything to make her life easier now!!!
MIL thinks Im unreasonable, that I should get over it bcos police and social services found me innocent (what a surprise).

Not sure how to proceed?

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After 2 years of abuse claims from SS4 and his psychotic mother (and I mean that in the medical sense she has paranoid psychosis but refuses to take meds!) I decided enough was enough. Talked things over with DH and we decided that there would be no more overnight stays for SS4 (DH sees him at MILs house now). Social services and the police are already involved from the last lot of false allegations against me.

Anybody else let down by social services?

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So dont I feel like a horses ass after sticking up for social services all my life!! As some of you may know I was accused by my ss and his BM of commiting some pretty horrific abuse. Only after SS tripped himself up in his dirty little lies did BM make a full retraction and I was cleared. Also no evidence obviously as nothing bad has ever happened to him in my care!! anyhow Social services deemed her an unfit mother and made her youngest 2 sons subject to a 'child in need' programme to help 'support her in her parenting'. We went to the first meeting which was scheduled for 10am.

First time seeing SS after abuse claims

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So social services and the police have completely cleared me of the ridiculous abuse claims from BM and SS. She has been coaching her son to tell police I punch him, throw him down the stairs force him to watch me and his father have sex etc etc bleugh!!!! I know hes only 4 and its all her coaching but Im really at the end of my rope!!!! DH has been seeing his son at his mum and dads house but now wants to start bringing him home for the weekend like we used to do (I have had no contact since this latest lot of allegations 3 months ago).
