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Toaster's Blog

BM’s Pyrrhic Victory

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In another post, MorningMia wrote: DH eventually began to see his kids for who and what they are and finally accepted that they would never have the relationships he expected. He said in a sarcastic tone (as if, "big deal"), "She (BM) WON!" lol. 

A Pyrrhic victory is one that is achieved at a great cost, resulting in significant losses for the victor and making the victory unworthy. Our not-so-beloved Crazy BM has a habit of winning Pyrrhic victories.


A$$ Beatings and Not Enabling

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This blog is in response to Rocky Road's entry, He Will Never Stop

One severe, never before given, A$$ Beating!

That’s what it takes for some of these delusional Daddies-in-Denial to finally wake up and change.

Only A$$ Beatings...


SD16, Our Paid Hired Help!

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Life is good, at least for now. But that's just until the inevitable next wave of drama hits.

 A decade ago, I wasn't aware that my partner and I had vastly different ideas about how to raise children. Although I don't have kids, I strongly believe in the importance of assigning them chores if I do.


Because chores are more than just tasks, they're a vital learning tool for time management. Children learn to navigate their day, balancing several functions within a limited time frame.
