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I don't know if the frustration will ever stop

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So yet again, SS called BM last Thursday and she promised him she would see if he could go visit his Aunt. In typical BM fashion, we have not heard a lick out of her and it's been a week.

Meanwhile, she posts all over Facebook inspirational quotes about "living slowly" and "doing the best you can with each day" and "staying positive" as well as advertising when she'll be working at the bar she bartends at.

It's been a glorious 3 months and then BMonster rears her giant forehead.....

mommadukes2015's picture

So BM hasn't seen and barely spoken to SS since before our Child Support hearing back at the end of August. She picked SS up for a couple of days and bought him all these school clothes thinking that would somehow save her from paying any child support.

Well she was wrong, left court in a huff and has yet to pay a dime. She currently owe over $500 and Support Collection has informed us that they are going to start garnishing her wages. Woop.

The things she comes up with...

mommadukes2015's picture

SO BM has the worst life like EVER.

After she told the court the kitchen at her job burnt down, the place got robbed so she didn't get paid and now she can't get to work because she has no car which little green aliens probably stole-so she can't pay her child support which also must mean the phone is broken because she hasn't even bothered to call SS since before court last month.

Well, today she begged that we not turn her in to CSE because she's "got all the money and will just give it to us when we drop him off this weekend".

We got CS!

mommadukes2015's picture

SO went to court today for the Second Appearance after BM told the judge last time she had just been hired for a job at pizza hut and didn't know how much she would be making or working (because those are important details that ever Manager leaves out of the "you're hired" conversation) ie. she lied through her teeth.

OT- the things you go through when your kid is 3 and under with glasses

mommadukes2015's picture


So BD3 has had glasses for the better part of her life. And while they are kind of adorbs it just makes the trials and tribulations of toddler-hood that much more fun. I'm on hold ordering another lens to the tune of $75 and I need to vent about it.

OT-My brain is more fried than a bucket of KFC Chicken

mommadukes2015's picture

I cannot brain today.

In fact, I have not been able to brain all week. It's lil' sis's wedding week and I'm all over the place.


I have two more treatment plans to write, one to sign, double check make sure I'm not missing anything during vaca time and I'm calling it a day.

Come on brain. I swear this morning I woke up, looked at my desk and just started shaking my head "no" as in no no please don't make me I can't.

But I can. I have been taking calls all morning and now I just need to write. Not on a blog on the tx software. Here goes nothing.

Work Update, my stupid sister rant & Court BS

mommadukes2015's picture

Thank you everyone who replied to my work rant the other day. Your reassurances, support and suggestions have been very much taken to heart and are very much appreciated. I took a couple of days to re-coup. I went trail riding in the backwoods of bumble to work out a few issues. Since my horse died in 2015 it was nice having a friend lend her red-haired mare with a very similar disposition to the horse I lost. It was very nice to escape this house and all these responsibilities for the day. Right now I'm really wishing I could just go back.
