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Missnyc's Blog

How can u be political?

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Whenever SD is over, DH expects she would be a great help babysitting my toddler daughter. And of coz SD acts like she loves hanging out with her becoz she she has to please her dad. But all she does was playing with my daughter’s 1 y.o. toy (think stroller mobile with music and pressing it nonstop and staring into space , or snatching all the rings from my daughter and hoard the ring stacker). Sometimes when my daughter did something she’s not supposed to, SD would yell at her really put and poke her finger close to her face. These bother me but I can let it go.


Holiday photos

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We have been taking DD for holiday pics for 2 years and I want to continue this tradition. But DH all of a sudden told me this year we should get SD to be in the pics. My world crumbled. Maybe I shouldn’t feel this way but I’d rather not send my friends and family the holiday cards if she’s in it! Maybe I’m evil but that’s honestly how I feel. 

Is there a way around it without making DH feels a certain way? Right now I’m just not going to arrange any professionals to take any pics at all (I’m the one who’s always planning these things) and he hasn’t say anything so far. 

Bad habit of SD encouraged by DH

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so SD 8 comes over every Sunday afternoon and stay over night. DH started this when I was 8-month pregnant. I thought it would be easy breezy since it’s only half a day and overnight but it has been very stressful. 

My husband let her get on her iPad whenever she wants. She would be on it since she arrives (at 4pm) and til she goes to bed at 9pm. The only time she’s not using it is when she showers. She even take it to the dining table when she eats. Today it’s even worse since there’s no school tomorrow. She’s been on since 4pm til midnight. 
