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meghuneyntyson's Blog

The day has come....

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After about three years of constantly dealing with a child who will do the opposite of what you tell him no matter the consequences for his actions and pretending as if he doesn't understand or know ANYTHING - he has gotten tested by the school and we receive results today.

....what to do now?

meghuneyntyson's picture

Well, things have gotten worse with Ss6. He has been eating the lead out of pencils in school. Trying to kiss little boys on the lips. Was suspended for hitting a boy on the butt. The principal called to tell me that she explained what suspension was and why he was suspended. He smiled at her, asked if he could go to McDonalds and started singing songs.

...picked my SS up for the doctor today

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He skips out of the door to the school as he tells me that he had a test today and decided to skip most of the questions. Smiling the whole way, he tells me that he KNEW the answers, but just didn't answer them and doesn't know why.

Later I bring it up, he says he did NOT know the answers. When I ask why he lied, he just looks around the room...then points out a train going by and laughs about it.

Does anyone NOT have BM drama or contact at ALL?

meghuneyntyson's picture

I've scrolled and read through blogs and just wondered.

I have absolutely no contact with BM. She lives 20 minutes away and for 5 months, had no idea what school her son, my SS6 attends. No, she didn't find out by asking. She told his father "Oh, so and so told me BS goes to such and such elementary school because they saw him there the other day. I didnt know that." :?

Someone please poke my eyes out..RIGHT NOW!!

meghuneyntyson's picture

OMG. I am sitting here on my couch trying to look over some materials for some upcoming classes I am taking online.

SS6 will NOT shut the f%$^ up. He stayed the night at his grandma's last night and was not given his medication this morning. He came back here a few hours ago and its the usual NON STOP ADHD loud, crazy sounds, nonstop moving and its just so loud.

He FINALLY gets it! There IS hope....(maybe)

meghuneyntyson's picture

Ok, its been TWO years and two separations. Sad However, each time, BF has gotten closer and closer to accepting the truth about his child. I have finally made a bond with SS6 (it happened over time, I couldn't force it). BF and I have fought and he has fought me on the truth. He has left, I have left and finally, FINALLY, he is accepting the truth of it all.

It's over....AGAIN. Sigh.

meghuneyntyson's picture

I am really sad and down. I hate this and wish I could fix it.

My bf and I have been going through this for a year now. When I met him, he didn't have custody of his son and didn't even know where his son was, due to the BM snatching the child from school one day. He was great with my own son and we were OH SO HAPPY.

Oh to be FREEEEEE!!! Thanks to you all, I made the best decision ever.

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I just wanted to make an open blog thanking everyone at this site. Seriously.

I came here a few days ago. Just a week into having my live-in boyfriend's son move in with us, I was miserable. The child had severe behavior problems. Aside from hitting my son and getting in his face and intimidating him to get what he wanted, he would blatantly ignore me, talk back and act like a wild animal. All this from a 5 year old.