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Lilywen's Blog

Found: Someone's GUBM...

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...and I need you to come collect her and take her back to her life of leisure ASAP!

I have a very high stress job... In a small office where it is almost always just the 3 of us. One woman is a micromanaging nightmarish b!tch who I have just come to avoid as best I can in such a small setting. The other just started here two months ago. She is a GUBM of the highest order.

War Update

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IH and I had a calm discussion about the credit cards last night. His statements show he made almost $8,000 in payments towards his debt. He declined reoccurring charges on his card, including his gym membership and some subscriptions... Unfortunately it included the automatic fuel delivery. He said he has no knowledge of how spawn got a car. He agrees fuel should come from the house account. 

It is war, IH.

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My last post was about what I feel is an unfair balance between IH (idiot husband) and my contributions to our household. To recap, IH and I keep separate finances with IH contributing 2/3 to a "household" bank account and me contributing 1/3. I do 100% of the household chores and childcare for our 2 children together. When stepspawn lived with us, I was 100% responsible for his care as well.

Sort of OT - It is a HUSBAND problem....

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I have been thinking a lot about the "contribution" both IH (idiot husband) and I make to our household.  I think someone commented on a previous blog of mine about "traditional gender roles" and I defended IH because I do like things done a certain way.  I am curious what division of labor other people have arranged, because today I am so angry I can barely formulate a sentence, let alone work.


Unreasonable:ˌənˈrēz(ə)nəb(ə)l/ adjective; not guided by or based on good sense; beyond the limits of acceptability or fairness.

Lilywen's picture

Ok, in the 4 years I have been on this site (under 2 user names) I have noticed quite a few forum topics that start out with the title "am I being unreasonable". I figured I would start off with the definition of the word unreasonable, because I have often asked myself this. This vent is not about any particular post about being unreasonable, it is just something I have been accused of with disturbing frequency during my stint in step hell. "Not being guided by or based on good sense; beyond the limits of acceptability or fairness". Hmm

Update on Skid Stress Mas and kind of OT - Gender Preference

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I muddled through skid-stress-mas, my last couple of blogs with a 'do not engage' mantra. IH (I started calling him idiot husband a couple of blogs ago) was expecting his special snowflake for the holidays and because I hate it so, IH took preventative measures to cut me down and refuse to allow me any boundaries without epic altercations. Well, step son came, claimed his gifts... gave not even a 'Merry Christmas' to me or IH and my daughters... b!tched about his gifts, preached about what he would be getting from BM and her family upon his return but didn't leave Tuesday as planned...

More Update on Skid-Stress-Mas

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I want to assure everyone who was worried about stepspawn 17 riding the big, scary choo choo train all alone for 2.5 hours... he arrived safe and sound last Friday. Tis the season for miracles.

I know I shouldn't complain... I went from 24/7/365 steplife to seeing it every now and then, maybe twice a year.

Just like I changed calling "D"H to IH (idiot husband) on here... I am going to give stepspawn a new name... Fluffy. He reminds me of a spoiled little poofy pet of my IH's.

Update to skid-stress-mas and a question about other skids

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First, to update: MIL refused to do transport for stepspawn 17. IH can't take off work and despite being 'idiot husband', he wasn't idiot enough to ask me. Where does that leave soon to join the military stepspawn? He has to take the big, scary choo choo train all by his wittle self.

I swear, the more IH talked to me about how worried everyone was about him the harder it became to not burst out in hysterical laughter... until...

Its beginning to look a lot like skid-stress-mas...

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As if it isn't enough that the stepspawn has caused me such agony over the time he lived with us... DH wants him to come visit for Christmas. Of course, now that stepspawn has signed up for the Navy it is DH's 'last Christmas' with it. Cry me a river. I don't care, completely disengaged. I told DH that I will 1) not cook, clean or care for stepspawn in any way, shape or form. 2) my home will continue to run as usual, if stepspawn makes a mess then DH or stepspawn will clean it. 3) I will not interact with stepspawn in any way, shape or form.

Curious - Skids and weddings

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A discussion has come up between some friends of mine who are both planning their weddings to men with older teens. Both friends have young children with their FDH and that is where the similarities end. One gets along with skids and the BM, the other has a crazy BM and does not care for the skids. One is eager to involve skids in the wedding and the other one is pulling out all the tricks to exclude them.

It made me curious about everyone's wedding experiences on here...
