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Hershei12's Blog

Most Hated Stepmom on the Planet

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Well, I suppose thats my new title. Last week after having had enough of SD 18 and her trash kept room I snapped. I took pictures and posted them to FB just saying that I would have killed to have had a room like that at her age and how embarrassed I am at how nasty she is. Of course, it was seen even though  she blocked me months ago. She was planning on moving out in August to go to school but after that she moved to her sisters house until August. My DH was livid of course at first but after a day he calmed down. Now on to most hated reason #2.

End of the Line

Hershei12's picture

I haven't blogged in awhile. Things are about as bad as they can possibly get. Both SKIDS (SD17 and SS19) and I are totally disengaged. They are now allowed to miss school, DH does nothing about it. After they have both cussed him out repeatedly telling him to "shut the F up, get the F out of their room, you are stupid, you are a piece of shit," his stance is let them let enough rope out to hang themselves, its their choice.

THIS DAY just keeps getting better and better!

Hershei12's picture

First the teacher called about SS18's tardies and now BM has looked at grades and is on DH's a*& about it. FINALLY! I hate that woman more than anything but I have to say I'm with her on this one and I love when she unleashes on DH about skids bad grades! Sad that it takes her to get DH to finally act and do something! UGH...but I'm over here still laughing! ROFL


Hershei12's picture

So, after being tardy at least three times a week, marked absent three times, SS18's homeroom (Algebra) teacher FINALLY calls me. She asked if he was sick today and I told her, honestly, I have no idea. I see everyday where he is tardy and I have tried my best to get DH to understand and take responsibility but I'm fighing a losing battle. I told her I was glad she finally called and to please call DH. Maybe this will be what it takes for him to get SS in line.

At The End of My Rope

Hershei12's picture

I feel on the verge of a breakdown. I have fought back tears at work for two days now. Backstory - DH and I have been together 11 years on and off. About 4 years in BM wanted to take skids out of the country and there was a nasty custody battle. She hates me, I hate her and she or skids is the ONLY thing we fight about. When skids were 14 and 15 they wanted to live here with DH. She relented then when SS almost failed 9th grade, another custody battle ensued. We were married about a month before the final hearing and I've sometimes felt he only married me to help retain custody.

Taking Something that Doesn't Belong to You is STEALING!

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I should have known better. Before summer I put a mason jar in my bedroom (out in the open) where I put change and bills in it calling it our "Vacation Fund." H knew about it because if I got extra change/bills I would comment that I needed to put it in the fund. Well, yesterday he asked if I could stop and get some cash for SD17 "Princess" to have to go to Chick Fil A in the am. I wasn't going to make a special trip just for princess and thought I would just take out of the vacation fund. I go to take out some cash this a.m.

When you start to lose respect for H

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I am really start to lose respect for my H as a man and a father. I swear I don't know how to stop it. SD17 has been coming home every night at 11. I have told this H every single time this last week and his reponse is "I'll get her." Last night she asked if she could stay out till 10:30 and he said yes. She came home at 11:30. I told H this morning and he said the same line. Today she was late for school.

Crappy Dad But One Hell of a Roommate

Hershei12's picture

I was thinking this morning on the way to work, my H is a crappy Dad but one heck of a roommate to his kids. SS18 now has 7 tardies and two absences in 3.5 weeks of school. SD17 has two tardies and now strolls in at 11:00 every weeknight. She comes in, drops her book bag and goes to her boyfriend's house. When I ask H why was SS late to school again, his response "I don't know but I'll find out." And this morning, I say "I guess SD thinks her new curfew is 11:00" he then ask what time she got home and I said 11:00! His response "I'll get her."

When You Want to Slap The Smug Brat's FACE!

Hershei12's picture

I swear I want to slap the smug little brat's face! I know this is terrible and I'm really struggling with it. Since SD17 and I are not speaking, she was in the kitchen Sunday looking in the pantry. H was in the kitchen too so I said, "please tell her to get their towels out of the dryer and put them away so I can finish your laundry." She started giggling but not a cute giggle, it was a smart A giggle. She then closed the pantry door and walked off.
