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Fake-Mom's Blog

DH has decided to build a storage shed(HAHA)

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Now that our children are older, DH has decided that we need to explain that college does not last forever. Oldest SD is 26 and we are still storing her bed and many other things in the shed. 20 year old SD is still at home part time and most of the time with her boyfriend, but still has her room. 19 year old BS part time at home and most of the time with friends, but still has his room. For some reason BS stuff if getting on DH nerves, but both of the SD stuff is not in the way. And he wonders why BS doesn't spend more time at home.

New drama:

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O.K. new stuff. The 19/female has now decided to spent her nights shacked up at her boyfriends momma house in his room with him and every now and again I wake up to find them shacked up in her bedroom. I am not ok with this and he has just let it go. When I finally brought it up STUFF hit the fan. Am I old fashion?


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:jawdrop: Hello, this is my first time to really reach out to other step-parents(sp). I am not sure were to start. Our most recent activity is the 14 yr made cheerleader and has become Perfect(hehe) over night! This child has been with me and mine for 10 yrs. and now nothing i say is right and ever questioned by her father. Why was I good enough for the first 9 years and all of a sudden I am crazy? Help