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CountryStepmom36's Blog

Do you ever just feel like giving up?

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My stepson will be 18 in October.  It's been a long, very hard road with him.  Along the way, I didn't have hardly any support from my husband during all of the drama with my stepson.  Through counseling, things have gotten slightly better, but this past weekend, my stepson smarted off to me again.  We recently bought a car for my stepson, and he has been completely ungrateful.  He doesn't even bother to keep it clean.  He always gets upset whenever he gets called out for not taking car of his car.  I stood up to him and put him in his place.  My husband just stood back, and I asked him to


I could really use some advice to see if I'm being a jerk in this situation...

CountryStepmom36's picture

Hi everyone.  I'll try to keep this as short as possible, because this situation spans over three years.  My husband and I have been married for seven years.  He has a teenaged stepson.  My husband and his ex-wife split up 13 years ago.  She is on Husband Number 3.  So my stepson began having a lot of behavioral problems several years ago, and eventually he was diagnosed with ODD and ADHD.  For some weird reason, my husband was reluctant to put him in therapy (!), but that's another story. 
