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Do you ever just feel like giving up?

CountryStepmom36's picture

My stepson will be 18 in October.  It's been a long, very hard road with him.  Along the way, I didn't have hardly any support from my husband during all of the drama with my stepson.  Through counseling, things have gotten slightly better, but this past weekend, my stepson smarted off to me again.  We recently bought a car for my stepson, and he has been completely ungrateful.  He doesn't even bother to keep it clean.  He always gets upset whenever he gets called out for not taking car of his car.  I stood up to him and put him in his place.  My husband just stood back, and I asked him to


The Job Starts

Sam2's picture

SS starts his job this evening .  He is actually up , cleaned out his room and is helping his dad paint his room.  They are actually talking.  Well his dad is talking to him.   SS took yesterday off from school to catch up on school work.   We shall see.   He is working in one of the fanciest resturants in town as a dish washer / food prep person.   His cough should be interesting.  I'm not sure I want to eat in a resturant that has workers constantly coughing and sneezing as I sit here venting hearing him cough and sneeze as he has all week.   The vents in my house do not mask sound and I
