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AtoZMom's Blog

change of situation

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So over 2 months ago I left DD. It's been a rough couple months... but I can finally see that he won't change no matter what...I'm more upset about leaving my SD5 then him....he has told me I can no longer see her as I left him and lied to get about loving her, I'm more upset about losing her then him...I truly to love her and it kills me that I won't see her on a daily basis anymore. ....
He has laid it down that I can only talk to him when it conserns our BD2 ...which is fine but I'm worried about the people he will date that will be around I over reacting ????


AtoZMom's picture

so we sent SD5 off to kindergarten and we packed her lunch (she had input and asked for a particular sandwich). I thought all was good but then i got a text from her BM saying she didn't eat her snack or lunch we packed...this is an ongoing problem we are having with SD5, she freaks out when we try to give her something "new" (most things are stuff we know she likes) and when she finally agrees she takes forever to eat....she gets distracted to much...if its not something on TV its her being a chatter box...she would find a distraction in an empty room :/

Need Some Parenting Advice

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So My daughter she is almost 2 is the biggest drama queen, if we say "No" in any form she freaks out, with the big tears and puts her hand over her face and turns into the wall or lays on the floor with her face on the ground...its getting more frequent and we just ignore her when she does this... is that okay to ignore her?? what else can we do or do we just have to hope she grows out of it??

Mixed Feelings

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I posted a week ago or so about me and DH moving away and having to leave SD5 with her BM. and I appreciate all the advice people gave and different situations.
But the last few days I have been thinking that not seeing SD5 won't be so bad, i almost like the idea (i love her like my own daughter and I will miss her) I kind of like the idea of it being the 3 of us (DH, BD1 and myself) and have SD5 come for summer and some holidays.
is this wrong for me to feel this way? I know i will miss her and I know DH will miss her horribly :/

oh my

Moving Away from BM & SD

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So me and DH are talking about moving to a new city and province. we wont be leaving for a least another year (things to get cleared up before we even think about going) the one thing that kind of worries me is DH having to leave his daughter, he has and is fighting to hard to get 50/50 (which he still wont get thanks to BMs bull). What is the usual for this kind of situation where both parents want to have their child when they live in different cities?? not just phone calls and a week here or there.

Vacation soon ... YAY.....maybe...

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Okay so My SD5 is currently on Vaca with her mom and family, she will be back in a few days. BM has been keeping me updated with how SD5 is and such...working out a time for DH to call and talk to her etc.
anyway I found out that SD5 has been horrible on this trip. BM was telling me that they even had to leave a movie due to her making a huge scene and just hasn't been well behaved the whole time.

tricks for getting kids to eat

AtoZMom's picture

Does anyone have any tricks for getting a kid to eat/try new things??
SD5 refuses to try new things (even if its got all the stuff she likes)
When we get her something to eat that she asks for, she might eat a couple bites at best...but she always have room for junk (which we stopped giving her unless she eats a good amount of her meal)

i'm getting tired of making 2 meals for every meal, and she barley eats what i make just for her as it is...such a waste we don't have that kind of money to waste like that! :/


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okay so last week Dh & Myself found out that BMs boyfriend works as a dishwasher at a local restaurant... i was surprised he was actually working....then we found out he no longer lives with BM, he has been staying with his friend.... and the more i thought about it the more i realize he hasn't been there when I picked up SD5 the last few times (just assumed he was out getting high/drunk)... hope this one sticks...They are on and off like people change their socks :/ its a horrible environment for SD5 & her sister....

I had to giggle to myself tho...

Just Some Stories

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so this week I got a text from BM saying that SD5 cut her own hair... BM never noticed until she was brushing out her hair before bed and chucks starting coming out... apparently SD5 just wanted her hair cut... BM & DH both told her separately all she had to do was ask and they could have made an appointment to get her hair cut... lol
