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WWSMD's Blog


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Yesterday was DH's mid week dinner with his kids. I worked long hours so I fell hard asleep on the couch. I felt a tug on my braid and when I opened my eyes all of the way I came to the realization of what had just happened. A big chunk of my braid had been cut. Both of the 7 year old twin boys went running. DH went after them and after finger pointing figured out which one of them had done it and made him stand in the corner and apologize to me.

BM at family wedding...... NOT her family

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BM you are no longer apart of this family! DH's cousin is not your cousin. Why do you feel the need to get up and make a toast.?

The bride and groom opened the floor to anyone who wants to stand up and give them marital advice. BM got up and toasted to never saying never and that true love always finds its way back to you.

BM when the bride calls over all the family for a group wedding pictures why are you running over? You are NOT family.

You are not a family and we are not in competition for my husband

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We were invited to a rehearsal dinner for DH's cousin and unbeknownst to me so was BM and she let the kids miss school to attend also. We were asked to line up for pictures before dinner. BM kept trying to wave DH over to her to take pictures with her and the kids. DH went to take pictures with just the kids. The bride even told the photographer she wanted a picture with DH and the kids and one with DH and me. BM kept trying to get a picture with DH, herself and the kids. DH took his two pictures without BM and walked away.

Jealous that BM can have kids

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Please help me with these feelings that I keep bottled inside. BM had the opportunity to give DH 3 children and I can not give that to him. Sometimes it just eats at me. I don't show it to DH or let myself fall apart in front of him. I have always wanted to have kids I can remember playing baby dolls when I was a girl and pretending to be a mommy. Finding out I could not have kids was the worse thing I could imagine but I put up a wall and act as if it doesn't get to me.

OT/ Please help. Anyone ever been a cashier?

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I decided to pick up some part time work on the weekends to have time away from the step kids and earn a little spending money. I got hired as a cashier in a large retail store and I start tomorrow. The only problem is I have never been a cashier before.

My normal job entails sitting behind a desk at home and making spread sheets. I am super nervous because I get very anxious around people I do not know and have little friends outside of church. I have been battling with anxiety and self esteem issues most of my teen and adult life.

This did not happen again. Another wrong number call from BM

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I got inspired by a member here I believe it was ladyface who told me to dress in nothing but my recovered purse and let DH find something special about my body. He was finding a few special things to say the least without going into to much detail. His phone rings and we both hear BM's ring tone and ignored it. she rang his phone a total of 3 times before DH decided it could be something about the kids and answers it. I can clearly hear BM say -you know you want to lick my furry kitty-. DH told her not to call back and hung up. That just killed my mood.

BM making me insecure

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Maybe its BM or maybe I'm playing into my own insecurities. The other day I drove DH to BM's house to get my purse back and after threating to press charges she handed over the purse. The whole time she was calling me names and she asked DH what he saw in me. DH told her I am beautiful in ways she never was. Driving away I hear her yell that I am boney and disgusting to look at.

SD9 giving my things to BM

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I have noticed a few of my items have come up missing. A hair brush and comb set, lipbalm, Facial soap and a purse. I had a sneaking feeling that SD9 had something to do with the disappearance of said items because she shown an interest in the particular items in question. DH called and asked SD if she had taken the items and she denied ever touching them. I left it at that and decided to put my things away next visit.

How to get the stepkids to like you

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Some days they are playful towards me and want to help me cook and clean dishes especially the 7 year old twin boys but other times they are distance and only want to be around DH. If they get hurt they won't let me touch them they will push me away and cry for DH. sometimes they won't even let me hug them they just run and hug DH. With SD9 sometimes she will go shopping with me or brush my hair and other times she walk out of a room if I enter or she will make up stories to BM about how I committed some awful deed against her. I don't get it they are always lovely and playful with DH.
