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Texas_mom75657's Blog

I hate this Christmas!!!

Texas_mom75657's picture

So my DH comes in today from work and a bunch of questions later I find out he has gotten the evil SS16 a Christmas present. A $100 dollar prepaid Visa and a necklace. Ugh WTF....SD comes up with she preggo at 16 like 3 weeks ago...says she 4 my opinion it's another lie, but I guess we will see in about another 4 months if she's popping out a baby. When he told me that I flipped I told him there was no way in hell we were gonna help her. I mean we barley get by as it is. Needless to say it was a huge fight and he left.

What do the abbreviations mean on here?

Texas_mom75657's picture

I am trying to learn what the abbreviations on here mean....can anyone please help.
Some of them I think I get correct me if I am wrong....

SD - Step daughter
SS - Step son
MIL - Mother in Law
BM - Bio mom
SO - Significant other

but what are all the others I have seen though out

DH - FDH - FSD - to name a few

Should I by Christmas?

Texas_mom75657's picture

Should I by Christmas for my SD16 (AKA lil miss crazy pants)? I didn't by anything last year for her when I did the Christmas shopping. I honestly figured my husband would since SD does no wrong in his eyes, but he didn't by her a thing, nor did he ever say anything to me about buying her anything. Now the time of the year has come up once again and we set a limit to spend on each kid....but no mention of her from him. Of course I'm not gonna bring it up because I don't want nothing to do with her really.

Thanksgiving Nightmare

Texas_mom75657's picture

Well Thanksgiving sucked very much. Husband and I got into a huge fight. SD shows up and husband and I are sitting outside with others watching the football game. Grandmother peeks out and say she is there. Husband just runs in the house, no I'll be back, no kiss, nothing.

Before I go further, no matter if he goes outside to do something, to work, to the store, or to sleep, this man always give me a kiss and says I love you. ALWAYS!!

Help please........I don't know what to do anymore!

Texas_mom75657's picture

Hello Everyone! I am new to this whole site and I really have to say I am glad there is a place like this. It will be refreshing to get feedback from other people that are step parents, can relate or just have an opinion. I am about to loose my mind so I don't know what else to do.

Okay so here husband had 3 children and was awarded custody of all of them when they were very young...because there mom stayed in jail and on drugs. 2 boys 7 and 8(who are mine as far as I am concerned) and a daughter 16 who is nothing but pure evil.