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sixxnguns's Blog

This woman..

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This woman will not give into ANYTHING! Even when she isnt entitled to it! My fiancee had FSS 9 months out of 2007 FULLTIME before BM started taking him 50/50 in September(before that she was sporadic with visitation)and than at the beginning of this month she took him fulltime...she will not agree to letting fiancee claim FSS on his taxes! Is she not happy with what she's gotten? Is she THAT frigging greedy that she wants the return for the year she collected child support when she didn't even have the kid in her custody the whole time? GAHHHHH!

This weekend

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I have to say that after talking to my fiancee about my last blog this weekend has been less stressful than I expected...He actually sees that BM is turning his son into a monster...he won't listen, he's throwing fits now when he doesn't get his own way over here and Fiancee isn't having any of it...I'm actually proud of him! I told him things will more than likely be like this every other weekend...I have disengaged though...fiancee is in charge of his kid and he's actually doing a great job!

Why do I stick around for this?? (vent)

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Sorry for the vent...I'm just sick of being #2 in this relationship..Sometimes I wonder why I stick around for the love part of this whole situation..."golden child" is coming to visit this weekend and of course everyone has to make it a big huge situation...I've never asked for a pat on the back or credit for the crap I have done and gone through for my fiancee...This is the way it's going to be every other weekend...he's going to get to do whatever he wants here and go places whether he behaves or not....I can see it now...and of course my daughter will be shit on all weekend...I don't kn


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Finally I have something positive to write! It's about my own daughter but what the hell...the new medication is working for her..she's like a totally different kid! We hit a bump the first couple days..she can't swallow the capsules so I have to mix the meds in her breakfast and it was upsetting her stomach but now we've ironed out the wrinkles and it's working! She's doing better in school..she's wonderful at home, she's not defiant anymore, she cleans up without being asked to clean's like I have a different daughter!

does BM party too much?

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Every weekend we hear someone telling us they saw her out at the clubs I know that all of us deserve a break sometimes from being a parent but it seems like getting drunk every weekend as a parent is a little irresponsible to me...I'm a full time parent. My daughter sees her BF once a year and I don't go out and get plastered. I do go out very rarely and have a couple drinks but I make sure I'm still able to take care of my child in case of an emergency.

update on the ADHD blog I posted

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My BD was diagnosed with ADHD combined and Oppositinal Defiant Disorder earlier last month. We met her psychiatrist today He only works with kids which is good...I got the impression he wasn't a pill pusher which is good! He said he doesn't like overmedicating kids. He did put her on something that should help her in school. He said I only have to give it to her on school days if I want to..which is what I'll probably do. The ODD is going to have to be worked on in therapy which is fine with me. I don't want medication to be a cureall for this.


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We finally sent SS to live with his mom I predicted she went from psycho lady to all of a sudden being TOO nice. Which gives me the creeps. Is this normal? But then again she got her own way and is in control now so I expected her to be all nicey to us..Now she is calling and emailing on a daily basis about miniscule things and it irks me...but than again she's always been a codependent person, I wish she would find her own man to talk to..Half of the things she emails and calls about have nothing to do with SS.

what my therapist thinks about disengaging

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First before I go into this I want everyone to know that I don't agree with her one bit about this...I signed up for therapy to help me through all of the bullcrap that has been going on..I went once and it was the last time. I started by telling her the basics of what goes on in our house, with the ex wife, and BF's family and how SS is a spoiled brat and he doesn't respect me so I disengaged...she told me stepparents shouldn't disengage if they're in it for the long haul and that I'm the adult and I should just deal with all of this. DEAL WITH IT??!!

my xmas with the in-laws

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What a crappy christmas I with my family was normal...all the grandkids including stepson got the same amount of gifts, and about the same things...the kids got books and outfits. Yesterday we went to BF's parents house. I vowed to never go back there after Thanksgiving but I love my BF so I felt I should go. I didn't want his family to buy me anything because I don't like them very much...but they did, and the same thing that happened at Thanksgiving happened yesterday but worse.
