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sam's Blog

Justice stinks when it comes to ex wives!!!!!

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I have not been on for quite some time but i feel the need to vent before i end up in a mental institute.You would have to read my previous blogs to get the entire story but i left off a ss moving out.His bm and i do not get along at all i have tried but she is a sick women.Lately the police have been involved she crank calls our house and now she is starting on my husbands business cell phone to the point of we had to change the number yesterday.She would call over and over consistantly he cant shut it off because of other calls he may miss.But the police just say log it they have talked t

Update on a harrassing ex witch

sam's picture

The police came over yesterday and i told them everything that is going on this is the second police report made on her now.They told me i can charge her but it probably would not stand up in court it has to be a threat made on you your family animals your house stuff like that.So everytime she phones i have to punch in a code to trace her call and the police can pull the phone records.So they are sending over 2 detectives to her house to tell her to stop calling and not to go near me or she is facing criminal harrassment charges.This will either make her stop or piss her off even more.The

Im going to pay for it

sam's picture

So we have not heard from ss since he moved out on valentines day.All was quiet and getting over the initial shock guess who phones last night?Bm called at 10pm and said"you hurt my boy now your going to pay for it"Thats exactly what she said so i am going to the police today hopefully to lay charges.

Have you ever sat back

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and took a good long look at your own biochild and felt that the way you have raised them with your heart and sole and no guilt parenting or pas and then looked at your skids and noticed a big difference.I have been doing that for the past few days and feel bad for my skids that they were born to such a wack job mother.I turn around and think about my own bs and thank god i didnt do something like this to my own child.My bs lives with his dad 2000miles away hardest thing i have ever done but i did not keep them from having a relationship.I get along with my ex very well and my son sees this


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I have sat here for 5 years watching bm do this to her own children even before i ever came along.I never knew about pas until recently and it is really awful.I reasearched it and it is bm to the tee!!!Everything she does it puts her in the category of obssessed parental alienation it also said that the effects of it on an older child ss 16 can be irreversable that is awful to think because all this time we thought the skids would grow up and realize their mom is wacked.But this almost never happens especially if its been going on for years and years which in my dh case it has been.I wish i

Haven't heard a thing

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about ss since he and his mom decided to move him out while we were not at home.We went to his school and talked to the principal and he said if anything his grades were improving.Then we went to his locker and found his coat the new pair of running shoes we just bought him and a pack of smokes.So i cant grasp in my head why this kid would do something like this to his own father hes lucky hes not mine.My dh is coming around hes had a couple of bad days but its understandable.I feel so bad for him.We talked the other night and i asked him if he blamed me or had any regrets about us but he s

I don't know how to take this

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My ss bm came and moved ss out while dh and i were out for valentines dinner.We were gone maybe an hour and a little bit and when we got home there was a note on the table saying moved to moms and dont forget cs check with her address following.So my dh has been up for 2 nights drinking himself silly.It pisses me off that she has so much pull in our marriage and has done this to hurt dh and i.I feel so bad for him but at the same time pissed off because she wants him to feel like shit and he is letting that happen.SS still has not phoned and we cant phone because we only have her cell numbe

Our crapy valentines day

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Well after trying to teach this kid some responsabilities for the past couple weeks which has been really tough.Bm phones and starts swearing at me on the phone so i went to police station and they took a report about and called and told her to be civil.I knew something was up because shes been calling alot lately.Last night dh took me to dinner and we get home and there is a note on the table saying MOVED TO MOMS and dont forget child support check the address is......Is that f'd up or what so that was our valentines.

Once Again

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we tried to talk to ss last night and my dh told me he can see that it is making me angry and causing conflict between us.We told ss that if he showed responsability around the house we would give him an allowance but he said no he wants his 40.00 game card first and he wont set his alarm until he gets it.Can you believe this kid!!!So he said he will get money from mama!!Can you say spoiled holy shit.We are at a standstill with this kid.I asked dh last night who did the discipling while he was with the bitch.He said he did because she was never around well that tells me right there why he i

I am starting to question myself

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I feel like i am nagging and being a nitpicker am i?If you read my past blogs i just cant seem to stop thinking setting an alarm clock is so simple but to a 16 year old its tough.SS didnt set it again this morning after dh reminded him last night before bed.We also filled out his forms for school and gave him the trip money,and shop fee which added to 50.00.He took the money but not the forms what does that tell you?And of course more dirty dishes after i just get through doing them again!!!This kid just wont listen you can ask but he wont how do you make a 16 year old listen?
