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SadStep77's Blog

FDH changed his tune... FAST

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So after all that happened, I was PISSED. So FDH, you think I'm the cause of all this? Fine!

I checked into how much money I would need to get by on my own and finish my BA. Turns out, I can do it all by myself if I take out student loans. This made me pretty excited, and I was hard as hell on my FDH when he got home after he left the house saying "screw you".

I guess I just started blogging in time for my break-up

SadStep77's picture

Maybe it was some secret intuition that I knew things were going to end that led me to blog. I dunno. All I do know is that after talking with my mom I now feel like it is time to let FDH go.

He is addicted to video games. He makes his kids do nothing around the house. I have burned through my savings and 401k trying to support us. (He is "self-employed" which is just a nice way of saying he doesn't make shit.) I did all his court paperwork when crazy BM tried to get full custody. I've spent my child support that was supposed to be for my child on all of us so we could live.

FDH is such a drama king

SadStep77's picture

Yesterday was SS12 birthday. We had a party, I ran around getting presents, and one of his friends slept over. No big deal.

However, FDH told me he was going to take back the friend after work around 5pm. I said, um, no... I can take him back earlier in the day. Today is my only day off this week and I wanted some quiet. So, guess what? FDH a makes plans with the kid's dad to stay all day. My opinion/wants/needs ignored.

Will this just make me look guilty?

SadStep77's picture

My last blog was about writing a letter to SS20.

The letter just says some things I like about him; it doesn't say I'm sorry. I don't have anything to be sorry about, except that I'm not the huggy, emotionally available stepmom his dad wants me to be.

My problem is, just the fact that I'm writing this letter implies that I am in the wrong. It is kinda rubbing me the wrong way.

Maybe I should post what I've written.

Ah... Karma

SadStep77's picture

Today marks the one year anniversary of BM calling CPS on us.

After all the drama and bullshit lies (including the accusation that I mentally abused SS12 and that we didn't feed him for two weeks) things have turned around. The court reprimanded BM and told her to stop convincing ss he had problems. Of course, we all know that it NEVER stops.

Now, BM and her new spouse are having all sorts of problems. Her new DH had a huge meltdown and was swearing at everyone and ss ran out of their house crying. They look like they are getting a divorce.
