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SadStep77's Blog

You CAN get out

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I'm posting one last time because I am so grateful to a all the wonderful people here who gave me much needed advice when I was really down and out.

Shortly after my last post, I kicked my (then) FDH out of the house. I was scared shitless, but I had discovered that everything people were telling me was true. I was suffering at the hands of a manipulator and emotional abuser.

Wow...SS drives the stake through the heart

SadStep77's picture

After everything I have done for this kid, SS13 told his dad that he has never liked me or my son.

I've endured false abuse allegations, later to be recanted as "brainwashing" by BM, been here while he had huge problems with his stepdad, told him that I loved him... Aside from all the school pick-ups, homework nagging, etc.

I realize he is going through a lot; his friend moved away, his BM's divorce/reconciliation/divorce/reconciliation with her husband, and other stuff, but this is almost too much to take.

Ha ha! It's official! BM getting a divorce

SadStep77's picture

Well, usually I would feel bad taking pleasure in someone else's misery.... But not this time, no way. If anyone deserves a huge shit sandwich, it's BM.

Of course, it is all her new husband's fault. The BM and crazy, entitled SD had nothing to do with it (note sarcasm).

I just told FDH to beware a new PAS campaign on SS12 because she is going to want full custody and child support because she can't possibly take care of herself.

I'm a superhero!

SadStep77's picture

I'm a superhero! I'm a model! I'm a secret agent!

No, wait... I'm just a stepmom.

I don't post much, just because I think I learn more from reading everyone else's blogs, seeing different choices, and evaluating how things eventually turn out. Lately though, I've noticed a lot of fiction and it is making it hard to tell what actually does work, and what is made up.

SS putting on an act?

SadStep77's picture

I'm a little confused. SS12 was having a really rough time at his mom's house and was telling us he wanted to live with us full time. He knows that once I finish my BA in about a year we will be moving to wherever I get accepted into grad school at. I never expected him to want to move with us... After all, his mom, brother, sister, and grandparents are all in this dump of a town. FDH has been convinced that SS has changed his mind because of the things that have been going on with his mom.

SDs are the WORST

SadStep77's picture

My SD moved out of our house when she was 13. She didn't want to follow any of our rules, especially the one about not having a boyfriend. She was absolutely horrible to deal with.... Attitude, messy, and brought our whole household down when ever she could.

Her mom only made things worse, telling her how horrible we were. Of course, BM was letting SD, who was only 13, go unsupervised over to the boy's house. The reason? They were good Christians and wouldn't do anything wrong.
