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princessmofo's Blog

Crap that has pissed me off in the last 24 hours . . .

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So as I stated previously I have two bio sons of my own. My oldest has high functioning Autism. He is the light of my life. He can be very emotional at times, and self-punishing. Blaming himself for everything, and I mean everything (like the refrigerator crapping out after 12 years)when he is obviously not at fault. I have bared this cross with my beloved son since his official diagnosis three years ago. And have done everything besides voodoo medicine and reading the damned tarot cards to make sure he has as normal a quality of life as I can give him.

Unique version of Hell. . .

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Hello everyone. I am new to the site but have been reading along for a few months now. I guess this is where I stand up and say, "Hi, my name is Princess MoFo and I'm a step-parent." My situation is unique however, in that everyday my DH gets up and goes to work with. . . his ex-wife. Yes, you read that correctly. He works for a small business run by his family and that cunt still works there. . . 4 years after their divorce. Yes, I hate her guts. She's a mean spirited bitch and a piss poor mother. She uses my SS, who is a POC, as a pawn in her sick game.
