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passleft's Blog

child support

passleft's picture, i figure a lot of you may know about this, but we are being sued for child support...any advice anyone has as far as whether or not to get a lawyer etc would be really helpful. I'm sure plenty of you have gone through this so hopefully you guys can help. as it is now, we have to pay the court fees...i'm new at all of this so i'm not sure what to think. let me know if anyone has suggestions!

a front

passleft's picture

I've mentioned this within other blogs, but have yet to dedicate an entire blog to it. so here goes...I really feel like I'm doing an excellent job at acting like I'm okay with all this baggage. I have done my best to let SD talk about her mom whenever she wants, I took her the other day to buy her mom a birthday present she had picked out in a town 30 miles away several months ago, I'm nice and friendly to BM and I never say anything rude or negative to her other than asking her not to talk down about my husband because he is my husband.

the holidays...

passleft's picture

well, we was my first holiday as a family, and emotionally i'm drained. nothing too drastic happened it's just getting used to the situation. it seems like everywhere we went for the holidays his family brought up his ex. it was never threatening or anything, but i don't know, maybe i'm just a baby, but i thought it was extremely distasteful to bring her up upon meeting me for the first time. i've tried so hard to be nice and positive and on the surface that is what people see, but on the inside, i struggle with it daily.


passleft's picture

a little embarrassing...i'm trying to pick up on all the little acronyms, but what exactly does DH mean? I'm pretty sure we are talking about the father of the SC, but I feel uncomfortable using this acronym when I don't know what it means! hehe


almost time...

passleft's picture's almost Halloween which means i will officially become a stepmother. and a wife...hahaha maybe that should be my first point. i know this is going to be the most difficult thing i will ever do in my life. i get sick to my stomach thinking about it. but, i am strong willed, so perhaps i can make it.


passleft's picture

well BM of my SD had her baby this Friday...we actually had a nice conversation through texting and so i feel a little better about this whole ordeal. I was nice and in return she was nice too... Smile

very :(

passleft's picture

I am very excited to read other accounts and experiences from all of you guys. Just to know that there are other individuals out there who seem to be feeling the same things I am is wonderful. I'm actually not even a stepmom yet, but my fiance and i are planning to marry on halloween, so it's right around the corner. It has been a long and difficult journey for me...though I'm certain it has been for not only my fiance, but his daughter as well.