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passleft's picture

a little embarrassing...i'm trying to pick up on all the little acronyms, but what exactly does DH mean? I'm pretty sure we are talking about the father of the SC, but I feel uncomfortable using this acronym when I don't know what it means! hehe



libby's picture

DH =
Darling Husband


Dumb Ass Husband - depending what he has done LOL - Just kidding of course

libby's picture

Figured I would add the rest

What do the abbreviations mean?

Here are just a few (for now):

* sm = stepmother
* sd = stepdad
* bm = biological mother
* bf = usually biological father but every now and then some use for boyfriend
* sd = step daughter
* ss = step son
* bs = biological son
* bd = biological daughter
* dw = darling wife
* dh = darling husband
* dd = darling daughter
* ds = darling son
* poa = power of attorney
* cs = child support
* mil = mother-in-law
* fil = father-in-law

DISbelief's picture

DH=D*ck Head (just kidding);)
OT= Off Topic
IMHO= In My Humble Opinion
SO= Significant other
SK= step kids
BM= bowl movement, I mean biomom


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )