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frustrated-mom's Blog

Kids Aren't Suppose To Have This Kind of Power

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DH has been focused on trying to make SD15 "want to live here". He is her father, he has full custody. Why should this even be a discussion point? If he tells her that she is living here, then she better get her butt here or else there will be consequences.

But no, DH is letting her have completely control over the situation, letting her get away with her threats and trying to bribe her by giving her anything she wants so she'll like him and stay here voluntarily.

DH Has Lost His Freaking Mind

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It has been a nightmare of a week. Last week’s chaos with SD15 has turned DH into an even bigger Guilty Daddy and making him even more erratic. He has been in a fatherhood crisis the last few months about how little he sees his kids. His boys refused to visit again today (DH is suppose to pick them up tomorrow afternoon, but I have my doubt they’ll come then either), so nothing is going his way.

SD15 Threatened Us If DH Makes Her Move Back Here

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If it’s not one thing it’s another. DH just had it out with SD15 on the phone. She told him she is going to move with her half-brother back to her home state. DH stood up to her and said HELL NO, you’re not living on your own at 15/16, that he decides where she lives and living with her half-siblings is not an option.

What Makes a Good Father?

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DH has a stack of books he has been reading about fatherhood. You would think that this would be helping him and getting him out of Guilty Daddy mode but instead, it’s making things far, far worse. You would think he might finally see how bad it is to spoil his kids, be a permissive parent and give the whatever they want, and that his job is to set a good example of a father and husband to his boys.

The Green-Eyed Monster

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The root of a lot of the problems with my stepfamily situation - jealousy.

DH is jealous that his boys’ stepfather spends more time with them than he does and that their stepfather is the one helping them with homework and going to their sports games and Cub Scouts activities and not him. (DH has them every other weekend) He can’t be happy that the boys have a father figure in their lives. He can only be insanely jealous that isn’t him and his boys aren’t going to remember their dad doing things like teaching them to pitch but their stepdad doing that instead.

DS Doesn’t Count to DH

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DH is continuing to wallow in his daddy guilt about the lack of time he’s spending with his kids. I know it hurts him that he can’t spend as much time with his boys as he wants - but he has a stepson who absolutely adores him but he doesn’t seem to understand that or see the time he spends with his SS as being as valuable as the time he spends with his kids.

DH’s Latest Plan - Be the World’s Greatest Quasi-Stepdad

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I’d trade with any of you gals who have SDs that obsess over their daddies. It would be far, far better than dealing with my DH having to come to terms with his daughter not wanting him in her life and hating his guts.

His latest plan is to not just be a guilty daddy to SD15, but now to also try to win over her older half-siblings who hate him more than SD15 does.

Skids Judging Their Parents

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This has been bothering me after reading the Dear Abby article. Kids shouldn’t be actively encouraged to criticize their parents over their failures. It’s completely disrespectful. Even as a adult, I would never judge my parents for the choices they’ve made - good or bad - or demand that they explain themselves to me.

I wish DH could swap SD15 for an orphan who deserves to be spoiled

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What I hate about DH’s Guilty Daddy spree this week with SD15‘s visit is how much money is wasting rewarding her for hateful behavior. She’s done nothing to deserve being rewarded by her dad, yet he threw money away on a trip to Los Angeles and Disneyland trying to buy her love.

She doesn’t deserve any of it and it’s just encouraging her to continue to act as disrespectful as possible to me and there’s no consequence. Instead of dealing with the problems with his daughter’s behavior, DH spent the whole week trying to avoid SD15 and I being in the same room.
