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Felicity0224's Blog

OT: conflict between DD and my BFF's daughter

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Backstory: my BFF of 24 years and I became moms within 3 months of one another, me to DD10 and her to boy/girl twins. I'm her kids' godmother, and she and her husband are DD's godparents. We live across the country, but we get together usually 2-3 times every year and our kids have always been very close. She is the CFO of a large corporation, but I'm self-employed, so I've always had more flexibility to travel and work from home than she has. For the last 6 years, her kids have spent 3 weeks with DD and me every Summer.

OT: unhinged dating experience (it’s crazy out there, y’all!)

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Saturday evening a gentleman I've been seeing for a while took me to a beautiful resort (near my home) to celebrate my birthday. We started the date with massages in the spa, then got dressed up and went to the hotel bar for a cocktail before dinner. 

Some things never change (like BM trying to ruin Christmas)

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Both SDs spent the night last night and did huge "slumber party" complete with games, crafts, snacks, etc for DD as her Christmas gift. It was incredibly sweet and super thoughtful. This morning, YSD (18) left to go to BM's parents, about a 90 minute drive. The weather was horrible and YSD narrowly avoided an accident on her drive, so BM texted OSD (20) and suggested she wait for it to clear up before she headed there too.

Joke’s on me I guess

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I thought we made it through thanksgiving without any drama, but I guess I was wrong. YSD didn't come to dinner, which I was frustrated about, but her relationship with XH is still fragile from the Taylor Swift debacle in the spring. So I figured she'd just decided she would prefer to hang out with her boyfriend and I didn't give it much more thought. OSD did join me, DD, XH, XFIL, and my parents. We had a lovely evening.

OSD update

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After several days of insanely nasty messages and phone calls, OSD calmed down and apologized to XH for her behavior about the apartment co-signing, which he graciously accepted. But then she proceeded to post all over her private IG stories about how XH and I don't care about her, how we've never cared about her, never provided anything for her, etc etc. All 100% lies. I found out because my best friend's daughter is friends with OSD and she saw everything and told her mom, who told me. I hesitated to tell XH, but I did and he was beyond livid.

Not surprisingly….

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OSD managed to rope YSD and BM into the drama surrounding our refusal to co-sign for an apartment. This included both of them calling and texting XH nonstop, bringing up every perceived injustice they've experienced over the last 15 years.
