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Follow up to "Do I even bother telling DH'

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So she lied...

As I posted in my last blog, SD16 claimed she didn't get her report card. I let it go for a couple weeks, but finally caved and called her school. She did get it when I asked her about it. I haven't said anything to either DH or SD16 (who is coming for a visit this weekend).

But now something else has come up...I just downloaded an app that allows me to text anywhere in the world for free. When you download it, it automatically adds anyone from your contact list to the app contact list. SD showed up on that list.

Do I even bother telling DH?

fedupstep's picture

SD16 is here this weekend. She was supposed to get her mid term report card yesterday. I asked her about school (she has consistently failed at least one class each year since grade 9). She said things were 'great!'. I asked her about her report card. She stared blankly at me. I repeated myself, told her I know she got it Friday. She said she didn't. I replied, 'Really, your school website said they were handed out March 13th SD16.' Her reply, 'I guess my teacher forgot.' DH does his best head-in-the-sand routine and pretends he isn't listening.

Could there actually be hope????!!!!????

fedupstep's picture

SD16 is here for the weekend. I thought that would be the worst part of it, but I was soooo wrong....

A bit of background...DH has been off work since June due to a wrist injury and is waiting for surgery. So he's on a Workman's Comp. disability and bringing in a lot less than he was. Since November he has been in a retraining program 4 hours a day since it will be unlikely he will be returning to his previous job. Money is tight. Very tight, but we make it work.

Facts are hard DH

fedupstep's picture

Currently SD16 is coming once a month at her choice. She can choice any weekend she wants and screw any plan DH and I may have. She was here a couple of weeks ago and we barely spoke after her 'did you have fun?' comment to me when I got home from visiting my mom's grave.

Sunday afternoon rolls around and DH goes out to warm up the car. SD turns to me and smirks, 'see you in 2 weeks'. I stop dead in what I was doing. "2 weeks?" I ask. "Yeah Fedup, I talked to dad when you were out yesterday and I might start coming every other weekend again." Oh goody for me.

It's the teacher's fault???!!!???

fedupstep's picture

SD16 is failing at least half her courses this semester. She is already 3 classes behind from grades 9 and 10. DH has decided to take the passive (ie lazy) approach to parenting. He does not ask about school, does not enforce homework when she's here. Says he is done sounding like a broken record and will no longer talk to her about school.

SKID weekend...lord give me strength...

fedupstep's picture

SD16 is here...she only comes to our house when she wants to now, which works out to about once a month. Good for me because I can only handle her that long. Sometimes we don't know until the week of if she's coming or not because DH allows her to change her mind right up till the day we expect her.

I knew this was the weekend because DH always gets pissy the days leading up to her visit. We always have a fight about something stupid a day or two before her arrival and then I get to spend the weekend being mad at him and resenting her lazy, disrespectful ass.
