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EvilAngel's Blog

O/T just need to rant.

EvilAngel's picture

I can NOT stand my DH's dog!!! If there was a way I could let him out of the house and get him to run away I would. He WILL run off if he is let out of the house off leash...but he never goes far. He just goes to the neighbors house to try to kill the little mutt they have. He is going to end up biting the neighbor and then I guess my problem will be solved. I am by NO means an animal hater. I LOVE my dog! LOL His is just not well behaved. I have a head cold or a sinus infection...something going on because I feel like shit.

She's really trying me!

EvilAngel's picture

Today is my DH bday. We got up early this morning and went out on the lake fishing. Usually we would be out there until dark but DH knows I am fixing dinner so we came home early. SD16 asked yesterday if her bf could come over today and was told no. Well guess who we find when we get home? That little bitch told him he could come over! I guess she didn't think we would be home so soon. She's in a world of trouble! That pisses me off so fucking bad! Way to ruin your dad's birthday you little disrespectful asshole!

She exudes laziness!

EvilAngel's picture

DH takes SD16 to the bus stop in the morning when he goes to work. We live in the sticks but the driveway is really NOT that long. It's less than 1/2 a mile. Every afternoon I have to drive down there and get her. Yeah...I'm not doing anything else but I don't understand why she can't just WALK! It's not going to hurt her! When we aren't here to get her she does it so I don't know why she can't do it everyday! I understand if it's raining...that's different. But when it's a nice day...get some damn exercise kid!

Glad I came back

EvilAngel's picture

We are downstairs fixing dinner. I am on the floor playing with my new puppy. Off subject...He's a frenchton. SO cute I adore the ground he shits on. Anyway...his daughter is on the computer looking up Geometry help. He comes over to me and says, "Hey you should come see this, you will be so impressed!" I don't jump off the floor with excitement because I was assuming it was another cartoon. He gets pissed and goes outside. He then comes back in and tells me that she is on a website for math help and I should feel good because she did this because of me!

That's not going to get you anywhere...

EvilAngel's picture

MY 16 year old SD fancies herself an "artist". I am not going to say that she can't draw because she can. I don't care for the things that she draws because that is not my idea of art but whatever. She draws damn cartoon characters ALL THE TIME and I am expected to Oh and Ah over each and every one of them. Show me something artistic and I might get excited! Rather than pull her grades up and focus on the areas that she needs to get her through high school...she spends her time doodling and drawing. I am all for hobbies but this is not going to be her profession.

Second time being a SM is clearly no better....

EvilAngel's picture

Hello everyone! I used to be on this site a few years ago but left after I was divorced and was no longer a SM. Well it seems I am crazy and got myself in the SM situation again. I ADORE the ground my DH walks on! He is a great man and a wonderful provider. He treats me great but his child that lives with us is SPOILED ROTTEN! His oldest is in college and basically has nothing to do with him, so she's not an issue. The youngest lives with her mother (she's 13) and she's not really a problem either. We see her every other weekend and she is well behaved and a very loving young lady.
