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Ram's Blog

Things are wonderful

Ram's picture

I must say that things are going great. I am on antidepressants, dh and I see a counselor and I see a counselor on my own. My little one is getting so big and doing more. I haven't had to see the step kids AT ALL!!!!! Dh is still getting dd every other week and our paperwork for separation, child support and custody is complete. I thought it was going to be rough not having dh here and having my baby 50% of the time but it isn't too bad. The step brats are what made life rough. Without them and the mess life is grand! Dh and I are still dating.

I found out what happened to the kittens

Ram's picture

Dh and I signed our legal separation and custody agreement. Things have been going okay. I am crying more than I should so I asked the nurse if they could adjust my meds and they are. I have an appointment tomorrow to see a counselor to get help. This was the first week with out Bianca. I was fine at first and enjoyed sleeping through the night. After that I was missing her. Dh took me and her on 2 dates so I got to see her and we had fun. One was dinner and miniature golf and one was a movie on the side of the house and bbq. He is trying so hard.

He moved out

Ram's picture

I'd like to clear something up. I am not a troll. I came here for support and appreciate the support I received. When I posted my last blog the first few people who responded told me I had over reacted. I decided to take some time and consider that. So I got off the internet and went to my moms. This is the first time I have logged back on. So please don't call me a troll.

SS may have just ended my marriage

Ram's picture

Dh and I have been fighting non stop since ss fed our kittens to his snakes. He is tired of hearing about it and I am worried about our newborn. I can't trust ss near our dd. He has no problem harming pets what about a baby? What is the difference to him? I am not sleeping and I refuse to let him near my baby. On Sunday I took a phone call while dh was holding the baby and when I came back in ss was holding the baby feeding her a bottle. I had an epic melt down on dh and told ss never to touch my baby again. SS tossed yes tossed my newborn onto the couch and said, "Whatever.

He killed our kittens

Ram's picture

Hi, I am new here. I have a ss who is 15. Dh has 50% custody of his son and pays cs. SS has 2 snakes at his moms home. He asked if he could take 2 kittens from a litter that a stray had under our porch. Dh said yes and he took them. Last night I asked what he named the kittens and he looked at me like I was stupid. He said why would you name food? My stomach dropped and I said NO!! He fed the kittens to his snakes!! I can't even look at him and I don't want him here. We all cared for the kittens and loved on them. I can't believe he did this!
