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lintini's Blog

Just had to share (xmas)

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So yesterday afternoon DH left to go pick up stepson 17 from BM's and stepson actually had a present with him. This is crazy because he does not acknowledge any birthdays or Father's Day or even say Happy Father's Day or happy birthday and he has never brought a Christmas present over or has he ever ask me to help get him anything.

So stepson was opening a present from his aunt that was sent to us and it was a coffee mug and he said oh great this will go with the Keurig I bought for my mom for Christmas....

SS16 and the drama

lintini's picture

This all started a few days before DD1's bday. Perfect right?

SS wanted to go to a thuggy concert at a rough place on DH's time. DH asked who was preforming, and SS16 lied about it.(Over the phone a few days before DD's party) DH was curious and looked it up on the website, and who was preforming was not who SS said. So DH confronted SS about it privately at DD's 1st bday party. (meddling MIL of course picked SS up to bring him over)

My first mother's day

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Every year I assist getting DH a father's day gift from SS.

So this is my very first mother's day with my 9 month old DD.

DH didn't even get me a card.

I am so crushed. I feel like he doesn't appreciate me or respect me at all. His parents got me a gift and a lovely card, and my parent's sent a card.

I bet BM got a card from him for her first mother's day.

Where do I even begin?

lintini's picture

I don't even know where to begin there has been so much change and drama going on.

I guess first thing is first, a few days after DD-2months was born, we found out BM is pregnant and baby daddy as a literal handful of children already - age spread from elementary school to high school.

SS15 is going from an only child in her house, to SEVEN if they move in together.

So there we have it. I am freaking making myself SICK that SS15 will want to move in with us.