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QUESTION: Would you prefer your SK's to be upfront honest with you all the time?

pastepmomof3's picture

I remember the day I met my now SD for the first time. She was 9 at the time, kind of shy but nice and accepting overall and pretty pleasant. I probably committed the biggest SM sin that could ever be done - i told that little sweetie that "if I do something you don't like or agree with, I need you to tell me." Now fortunately/unfortunately she's never said a word directly to me about things that I may have said or done that she disagreed with, but I thought about it just now - Do I really WANT her to tell me what she's REALLY thinking?

It's Easier to Fix a Car than SS9

TheOtherMom's picture

For every time I think I might rise above and forgive BM for what she did to SS9, something happens that I just can't.
This morning I held SS9 on my lap as he woke up - a ritual we have had every morning since he was 6 - and today he looked in my eyes and said "Please don't ever leave me." It broke my heart. Even now, on my lunch break I am hurting.


onebright1's picture

I cant make a decision about whether to assume the mortgage on my upsidedown house of which I only have about 60 days left to do, or to buy another house for me and my children.
BF has his house, and we have discussed sharing a home, but Wackjob has already convinced the sd's that Daddy is gonna give thier rooms away.... So hes like, "well then she would be right".
I dunno, I just dunno........

I hate the way this makes me feel.......

jojo68's picture

BF daughter was gone Friday evening and Saturday at her friends house. She returned home Sunday. She slammed the door two times and called her dad stupid when he made her mad by asking her if she knew where her phone was. She opened the refrigerator 10 times in a 1.5 hr period, got a huge plate of food that she didn't eat more than two bites of, and talked incessantly ( and loudly) during the movie we were watching. Saying really meaningless things or things that made no sense all while rolling around in her dad's lap. Maybe it is the way I was brought up, but it really bothers me.

is it normal to feel like a total outsider in your own home

tryingtomakeit's picture

Disclaimer: Im preggo and my emotions have been running wild these past few days, but please give me some advise on how to make things easier.

I really feel that my husband and his ex are way to close. Though I dont think he would ever want her back, it still just freaks me out a bit.

The ex calls my husband all the time. They do have children together and most of the time it about the children, but a lot of the stuff they discuss is stuff that him and the kids can talk about. The kids are 22 and 12.

I wonder how much we contribute to our own madness...

Colorado Girl's picture

Last night I couldn't sleep. I had a terrible headache and my nose was stuffy to the point of misery.

I went to the kitchen and contemplated taking Nyquil but thought it best not to because I'd be groggy to the point of not functional by the time I had to get up in 5 hours in order to drop my own children off along with my three stepdaughters at each one of their schools.

How would you all handle this?

PrincessFiona's picture

We took the kids school shopping (usually a tramatic experience for me) on saturday. I was exceptionally calm about the whole thing, was able to disengage well and didn't feel too put out by the whole thing as would normally happen. I was proud of myself for not letting it get to me and actually enjoying some time with my kids.

I did have this nagging feeling that SD was only there for the shopping and was ready to go home as soon as we were done spending money but I tried to let it go.

Another Woman (update)

zenjetset's picture

OMG!!!! WTF?!?!?! This woman text my fiancé this morning at 7:15am with pictures if her!!! One photo had her in front of a bentley and the other in front of a small airplane. She texted saying that she was doing very well! That her boyfriend (who was not in the pictures) owned these things. and she was only asking him (my fiancé) for a favor to fix something. That his response to her text yesterday was uncalled for. She then insults him by saying, the car is a bentley in case you don't know what one looks like! Like as if my fiancé is an idiot! Dumbass chick! I want to beat her ass now.

Ahhh- gross little SS in the house!!

dezm00's picture

I have been told by many parents that little boys can be gross. However, when I find my 6 yo SS wiping his snotty nose on things I flip out. I can handle a lot of things in life but boogers are not one of them! Actually what irks me the most is that he is a perfectly healthy little boy who was just too lazy to get off his duff and go blow his nose. The idea that a child is too lazy to walk 6 feet and take care of business just makes me mad.
