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Sweetnothings's Blog

2014 ..... Here we go !!

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Well, I guess I spoke too quickly about the skids being super quiet, unless they wanted something.
Three days in to 2014 and DH gets a four line email from Ass2 asking for money. Are you kidding me ??

DH just sent them a generous Christmas present of money TWO weeks ago ( way too much in my opinion ) JUST before that this skid had a Birthday and received more money from DH !! :jawdrop:

My end of year round up .....

Sweetnothings's picture

Well, I haven't posted on here for a while as things have been super quiet in Skidville......

ASS 2 is still living in the homeless accomodation, but the clock is ticking on that as you only have so long before you do have to leave. The skid is still not working, and I am not at all surprised. DH has resisted the emails to send money and called skid out on the bluff, and that was that.

Update on Ass2

Sweetnothings's picture

Well, Ass2 is now in a homeless shelter in BM's town. This place has , obviously A LOT of rules and regualtions naturally, so I, unlike my DH find it hard to feel hope that this is going to " save " the skid. ( I haven't voiced this to DH as , he will feel it is a personal attack on skid. )

Ass2 has written back to DH, but, well it's that time of Year almost, Birthdays and Christmas are approaching , so it's not unusal for DH to be contacted......

Gah !!! DH is chasing the Adult Skids AGAIN !!!

Sweetnothings's picture

Haven't been on here for a while, so just having a little vent today.

DH is chasing Ass 1 and Ass 2 , this is his usual behaviour after a ' visit ' to see them. He's feeling all gulity Dad-ish with rose tinted glasses firmly in place, etc.

Now, Ass2 wanted to move in with us, as I mentioned before, but DH and I said no ( tons of reasons, see my past entries ) also, during the last visit DH did NOT give ASS2 any money ( 20, unemployed, school drop out, still barely living with BM, she is royally pi** ed off now the money train stopped, lol )

Back from Skidville .....

Sweetnothings's picture

Back from the visit to Skidville...... And so happy to be home !!!

Ass1 event was okay, as I thought we ( DH and I ) were not in the main Hall for the actual event, which actually worked out wonderfully for us !! Lots of room, in a lovely old panelled room, think a sort of English country house look !! Not all squished up in a packed modern cement built Hall, swealtering in the heat, as the air con was hardly working!!

Father's Day .....

Sweetnothings's picture

Well, this was my DH's Father's Day. Obviously he didn't get a card from either Adult Skids in the Mail. I rang my dear ol' Dad and talked to him. No calls for DH.

We go out and have a low key Brunch, it's a chilling relaxing day for us .....nice.....

No calls from Skids, DH checks email, no emails, and then mid afternoon he just casually mentions he is going to write them a nice, happy chatty email, by then I think he is almost wanting to even get an email from them ?

Getting ready for the trip .....

Sweetnothings's picture

So next month we will be going on the trip, I have talked about previously. I left the planning to DH as I sure as Hell after the last visit wasn't going to waste my time planning the ass out of another trip to ASSland !!! Lol !!

To be fair, DH got the message, and got it together, booked flights, accomodation, etc, etc, so no worries there...... EXCEPT ......

The latest .....

Sweetnothings's picture

Just an update to say that DH has stopped paying towards Ass1 course, as well she has finished and it's up to her if she wishes to sit around in a tiny town and not work ( plenty of options in her original town, but well that would involve work to find work so I guess that's a no no !)

So what with CS finishing late last year for Ass2 and the extra 4 years DH did for Ass1 we have now stopped ALL of the support. Blum 3

Sd got engaged !!!!!

Sweetnothings's picture

Yep, ass1, aka sd23 has got engaged to sap bf . DH saw her number on the phone and rang her back and she told him. We are fine with it. DH's concerns are that both her and sap bf do not have jobs, or jobs on the horizon and no school is offering her the next course she needs to further her career path. ( can it be called a career path when she has never even had a part time job in the last seven years ??
