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NotCinderellasmom's Blog

It is time I let it go but..

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Sd is gone at least for now.  Rumor is she is getting a house with her bestfriend and the friends boyfriend. I think H is getting an earful from MIL but he never tells me about it I am just assuming.  So Sd room has been closed like some sort of shrine to her. So I broke the barrier cleaned out her bathroom and made it shine then went to her room.

She left alot of personal items (and trash of course). I went through some boxes of junk she left and there was an old diary.


NotCinderellasmom's picture

SD pretended to pack up and leave but MIL called to (beg for H to let SD back home) pretend she didn't know SD was leaving ourhome. Of course she was faking and went to LAS Vegas with some friends. So H is on the phone telling MIL SD can come home but has to be respectful (WTF).

MINd you she tossed through the house knocking stuff over, calling me a bitch, bossing up to her Daddieeee.

Any way she comes home goes to her room starts packing with out a word, left her keys and remote. Said goodbye to to my Bio kids and left without a word to H or me.

a little update

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So Sd possibly moved out last night. I say possibly because she did not say anthing to H or I but he overheard a convo between MIL and her. 

I told him to talk to her because we need to know this information. Her room door is closed and their is some unspoken rule that we are never to go in there. He abides I don't if there is a smell or I am missing dishes but I will give her a day or two then I am going in and clearing out because I know she did not clean anything.

H asked is she moving and she said you will know when I tell you.


Heck of a night!! Bombs everywhere

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So SD goes off on me beause I moved her dinner off the stove. Since she came back after leaving for approx. 30m because no one wanted her to stay with them, She goes off on me and starts throwing stuff around the kitchen. She is hollowering saying how myH needs to control me better and I think I have the right to touch her stuff because he doesnt control me like he should. 

Sd is back home. Not happy

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Sd and I got into an argument. She left but nowhere to go so husband let her back because he said he didn't want her sleeping in her car. Sd said she was sorry, not to me of course, but that we are always treating her like a child and that is why she called me a Bitch, in front of my kids, and left.