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NotCinderellasmom's picture

SD pretended to pack up and leave but MIL called to (beg for H to let SD back home) pretend she didn't know SD was leaving ourhome. Of course she was faking and went to LAS Vegas with some friends. So H is on the phone telling MIL SD can come home but has to be respectful (WTF).

MINd you she tossed through the house knocking stuff over, calling me a bitch, bossing up to her Daddieeee.

Any way she comes home goes to her room starts packing with out a word, left her keys and remote. Said goodbye to to my Bio kids and left without a word to H or me.

I'm happy and sad. I'm so glad  she is gone but I wished she could have left with some sort of maturity or respect. She told her dad he lost a daughter and she will never speak to him again.

We have so much going on in out life but of course this puts a cloud over an already stressful time.

But on the positive side, I can leave my coffee cup uncovered in the fridge. I don't have to worry about my food accidentally being left out of the fridge  or toilet  paper being hidden . Or someone walking into a room and sucking the life  and air out of it.

I can breath for once in a long time.


hereiam's picture

She told her dad he lost a daughter and she will never speak to him again.

I know that's his daughter and all, but really, until she matures and stops being so rude to the both of you, he hasn't lost much.

Absolutely no way she should allowed back into your home and your husband needs to man up and agree and stop telling everybody that she can come "home". She disrespects you and him and he needs to stop allowing it.

If my SD EVER called me a bitch, she wouldn't even be allowed in my home for a visit.

shamds's picture

she doesn’t care that there are other young kids in the house including her siblings, all she wants is daddy to choose her over you!! 

She'd rather you be thrown out on the street with your kids so she can have daddy and his attention and money all to herself!!

my sd’s pulled the same crap and they abandoned their dad for 5.5 years, this was before i even met hubby and them we got married, hubby didn’t try to look for sd’s because he would have to contact psycho ex inlaws.

hubby said that they made their choice and that i made him happy and he was marrying me without them being present!! Sd’s chucked the guilt that they wanted their daddy and knew he had a new family meaning me and my 2 kids with hubby. They reinforced thenew family like we were substandard and subclass and not the true first family

even bullied daddy to offload property to them that he bought well after divorce was finalized because he owed their mum... they’re leeches.

i moved back to my country which is a 5.5 hr flight from hubby to finish my studies and send my kids to school. Me and hubby bought a home here that i have been renovating and relandscaping on my own. No skid will set foot in this home with their negative, toxic and disrespectful behaviour

CLove's picture

When Feral Forger left, she ghosted us, and I left her trashed room alone for 7 months!

I went in and cleaned it all myself. She never contacted us until well past that and said "can I have my old room back? I know clove has made it into an office, but can you please choose me over your stupid wife for once?"

Shes a charmer.

the cloud will lift eventually and you will discover a lightness of energy that you never imagined. Thats what happened for us.